
HUH? What would anyone like me know about anything?
I know that meat is murder!
So don't kill, don't eat meat. What about fish and seafood? Those critters sure are delicious. Can't help it if I'm still stuck eating fish and seafood. :-)
In case you were wondering what a funny sound clip that was, it's a message for the above sticker against pig-farm germs in Mandarin. It ended with the word "Dirty".
Find out what the cause of SARS really is

Living here on earth is about fulfilling your life purpose and being socially and environmentally responsible at the same time.
Let me show you a series of wonderful ads we all can learn from.

  Vogue Sucks!
Why does Vogue suck? First of all, fashion is one of human's biggest EXCUSE to kill wild animals, besides for food. Animals such as cows, sheep and chicken were once wild, then domesticated for human consumption. Imagine you were a wonderful being that someone called "G-d" created... then you were captured, bred and domesticated before being killed one by one, you and your descendents? Smell hamburger? Anyway, Vogue sucks because it supports fur. Why would you want to wear a dead animal on your skin anyway? I think it's disgusting.
Fur is dead!
Same notion. Fur is dead. Compassion is in, baby! Compassion or camp out your passion because fur is murder! Imagine living your life as a beautiful woman, I mean like Cindy Crawford or whoever you want to be. Pick a man if you want. Anyway... imagine. Then imagine you were killed for your skin. Your face would be the buckle of a handbag and you had the stamp, in gold: MADE IN CHINA right smack on the forehead. Sexy.
Isn't she sexy?
People wear all kinds of things. Why not wear a salad instead? Well however fashionable you are... could you imagine wear hundreds of pieces of t bone steaks stitched together, tightly around your body? Gross. Even Adam and Eve knew better to wear grape vine leaves than a dead cat's fur. :-)

So the conclusion is, even if you DO eat meat, try not to contradict yourself with whatever you say. Like you love animals... you care for them etc... try being a little more proactive to fight against SARS! I mean cruelty. I think SARS could possibly be an outcome of animal cruelty. It happened to farm animals and if we never eat meat like we do now... SARS would never have happened. So once in a while, go veg.


Updated 7/5/03 - © 2003 Firdaus A
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