If you'd like to join, just click the Join button on the left and fill in the form.

1. Oh Yay!!! The Visitor is member #1 - you'll always be the first, nothing can change that.Check the coolness of:
The BUFFYBOT Adventures

2. OMG the ranks have swelled to 2. Yay June!!! June's coolness goes without saying.

3. The swelling continues. Thanks for signing up kate - thought you were my wife for a tick there but I know she's guestbook phobic. AND she doesn't have a groovy site called: The Wonderful World of S.M.G.

4. Can you believe it two new members in one day? Welcome aboard, Rae. Rae has only one question: Are you Afraid of the Dark?

5. This is too cool! Member #5 is ... OMG ... Cor from - can you believe it? - Essential. Now I can die happy :)

6. What can I say besides, I am sooo not worthy. Yes it's *THE* Little Willow of ... well *everywhere* and Rock the Rock.

7. Big welcome to Xander the Second, perhaps our first gentleman member. He's got the whole rpg chat thang happening - over at The-Bronze - not to be confused with the Bronze Beta or the official Bronze.

8. A big "Hiya, thanks for helping" to J Willis for signing up for Willow's Intervention. You can lock the door once she's inside. (Mmm Key Master, or is that Meister? Key Guy.)

9. Onya! Tara's Giirl - that's Australian for good on you. You have wise words for Willow. Yay you! I think you should be in charge of spiritual counselling.

10. Tiana, she of remarkably few words, has tough love for Willow. Excellent! Definitely security. We need someone to stop her hurting herself.

11. Leeboy brings us close to the teens. Another strong silent type. Very glad to have you with us. Do you reckon you could take it shift and shift about with Tiana?

12. Yay Heather! Thanks for rockin' up, way cool. Mind if I mention you're like the legend behind Trade Your Cow in for Some Buffy? 'Course not. :)

13. We enter those difficult teen digits with the irrepressible Toby Tibkins. So nice you dropped by. You must be our MC for the event, and would Timmy Tomkins do us the great pleasure of being in charge of catering - are interventions catered do you think? Why not.

14. How kewl is this, our latest Willow Interventionist is none other than THE Xita! Yes, Xita from The Kitten, The Witches and The Bad Wardrobe. My cup runneth over.

15. At this rate it's looking like we're gonna need to borrow some chairs. A big WI welcome to Jennifer from Willow and Tara's Love.

16. OMG I'm feeling faint; our sweet 16 is another celeb in the WIllow/Tara world. It's *ONLY* Seejay from Always and Forever AND The Magic Awards. (We're attracting so many celebrities I'm feeling all L. Ron Hubbardy.)

17. Goodness me, we're growing up so quickly; 17 already. TaraManiac, so happy to have you aboard. Your tough love is greatly appreciated.

18. All growed up. Melissa Ward from The Watchers Zone, and fellow nominee over at the Magic Awards, lovely to have you here with us.

19. Yay, Puckles! Here for Willow as are we all, your time and devotion are greatly appreciated, and so will your new site Willow Tree.

20. Don't be too sad Weeping Willow, now you're here doing your bit I'm sure Willow will come around. We just have to be patient "one day at a time".

21. Oh Patsy. Only a little bit of tough love for Willow? Still you've signed up to help, so I guess you're just very soft hearted. Glad you came.

22. I know it's been ages but we finally have another new member, so yay Karli, very glad to have you with us. You can get to know our latest member better over at Karli's Site.

23. Yes emily, we love Willow too. So glad you can join us. It's people like you who make it all worthwhile. We will succeed. Our Willow will come good. We know she will ... *sniff*.

24. Hiya Varney. Very pleased you could come, especially since you bring *much* love with you. And yes, maybe Tara could be a bit more forgiving now Willow has proved she's trying really hard.

25. Oh Timmy Tomkins, it's so good to have you with us. When Toby Tibkins signed I was hoping you'd join us too, and here you are with such warm and helpful sentiments *sniff*. I'm very moved indeed.

26. Very sweet of you Corey, to express such youthful enthusiasm for our cause. We must of course remember this is no vainglorious pursuit of petty web fame, we have a very serious purpose ... all for Willow. For more info on sweetie Corey check Corey's Buffy Page.

27. Oh keith monnelly, sooo glad you've come to help our cause. Your strength, your resolve, your steadfast, manly and unwavering support is deeply appreciated. To seek keith's counsel you can contact him here.

28. Oh my! Our newest member is Rogue. Just when we need new strength to get us through the tough time ahead we get a new member with - if I'm not being presumptious - super powers of her own. Your super support is deeply appreciated. Thank you, Rogue.

29. Hasn't time flown? With Caitlin we're nearly 30 already. We're all just hoping our Willow will make it that far *sniff*. But for the fresh approach trade my mouldy green for Caitlin's This Year's Girl, full of Buffy goodness.

30. Oh Willow17 "forever together"... It's good to have your warmth and optimism with us in these most difficult of times.

31. Lara Stuecklen we are very much afraid Willow will rock, and sticks and stones and buses and lightning and fire and zombies, and every single nasty she can think of with her poor bereaved magic-addled mind. Thank you for being here with us.

32. Royalbuffyfan we're very glad you're here with us. You are clearly a dedicated and enthusiastic supporter of Willow. Not too sure who this Alyson person you refer to is, nor was I aware Willow kept livestock, but your attempt at the blazon of Willow's ... assets is still ... appreciated.

33. I am deeply moved by the way you are all rallying to the cause. Saskia we are thrilled to have you aboard, and even though I don't understand German I can appreciate that Girls on the Hellmouth is a damn fine site. Thank you for sharing with us.

34. Oh Treva, how well I understand your speechlessness. There are no words ... Thank you. *sniff*

35. Druscilla, again, what can I say. Given your deep devotion to - I can bearly write the name - Tara, *sob* your strength to go on in the face of it all, to help support our poor bereaved Willow, is more than anyone could ever expect. You are an inspiration to us all. Jewels of the Sun is a fitting tribute to the memory of *ache* Tara.

36. Heather ... thank you ... just ... thank you ... *sob*.

37. Kelly, very glad to have your devotion helping our cause along. I'm sure our other members will be interested in your msn community All About Buffy and Angel. Thank you ... *sob*.

38. hrhsalla - is that "His" or "Her" Royal Highness? Thank you for joining us now in these moments when our Willow needs us so. And yes, it looks like there may be years of "thepery" ahead. *sob*

39. didleysquat hails from the Great Southern Land - as does your humble webmistress - and is part of the Buffy Down Under community. Thank you for lending your love and support to this most worthy cause. *sniff*

40. Oh PsychoPepSquad *sob* what you wrote was so moving! *sob* You put us all to shame. *snivel* Such love! Such devotion! All for the 'soft squishy love'. *Waaah*

41. harry allday brings us into our middle years. There was a strange fascination watching our Willow turn into Psycho-witch-from-Hell Willow, I must agree. But then ... now ... how ... *WAAAAHHH* Excuse me. So glad you're here with all you have to offer ... thank you. *sniff*

42. Oh Puff, we both know in some way Tara will always be with Willow *snivel* ... *sniff* ... but yes, our poor Willow is terribly lost *sob*. I'm sure she appreciates the strength of the collective Kittens. Thank you for your support. *wimper*

43. kim, your speechless love for Willow mirrors the feelings of sooo many of us at the moment. What could be said that would adequately capture the depth of our emotion? ... *tears drop silently to the ground*

44. luvswillow, your name is such a wonderful expression of your devotion, thank you for being with us, especially now. *sob*

45. OMG!!! Suze has joined us and ... I'm overwhelmed by her dedication. I'm *sob* overcome. Check this on Suze's page. No you aren't a tough one Suze, but your dedication and overwhelming forgiveness of our Willow ... you're a star in my book. *snivel*

46. Tiffy, yes, we all feel your pain ... how Disenchanted you are. Thank you for your dedication ... *sniff* ... we ... all ... miss ... TARA!!! *WHAAAAA*

47. Oh Zac, it's all right, we all know how hard it is for boys to show their true feelings. We know deep down you share the pain with all of us. Just as we're sure once your BTVS Obsession page has some content, it will be wonderful.

48. Welcome, Tasha. Yes, that Vamp Willow is a little rascal, isn't she? She doesn't need us the way Willow does though, so that's who we're here for ... *sob*. If you're feeling like a bowl in a goldfish, head over to Tasha's Fish Tank. Thank you for coming ... *sniff*

49. Oh Tara ... *sob* ... I'm sorry but your namesake's memory chokes me up every time. Sorry I've been sooo long getting to entering you, and you with such devotion. I'm deeply ashamed; you deserve better ... but, thank you. *sniff*

50. Mel Domingo, you're our big five oh! You can check Mel's Melificence out here, along with her poetry and fanfic. And yes, rock on Willow! *snivel* Onya Mel!

51. Feronia begins our second half a century and she's a big blogger, techno-pagan-goth-type person ... maybe. Check it! We're glad to have you among us, and yay the awe.

52. Hi Elva, thank you for joining us. Your simply stated enthusiasm is a joy to behold. Go you and Willow love forever. *sob*

53. Welcome richardslayer, and yes, Willow is cute when she says weird things, but there are surely going to be some awkward moments when the "I'm gonna kick every square inch of your butt" comment returns to haunt her. richardslayer is contactable here.

54. Yay the Willow forgiveness, Amber! The question of Warren is certainly a sticky one. Where I come from there is no capital punishment and I'm not sorry, but the Warren/Tara balance is a real existential teaser. Check Amber's corner of the web here. Yay you!

55. Here we go, our first multiple personality member. Melissa is already member 18, but now I'm signing you up as member 55 under your other nick Sarafina ... kewl. And here's a plug for WOSIB - more a woman of nerdiness and inner confusion myself, but rock on woman power!

56. Yay VampWillow. Thank you for your kind words. You're home now, never leave us ... ever ... *sob*

57. Bek ... yes ... always ... *sniff* ... hugs.

58. Isis Moonwolf such dedication, your Willow *sob* Tara shrine is an inspiration to us all. Thank you. *wimper*

59. Oh Michiru, total forgiveness takes a heart just as big as yours. If I read Spanish I'd be delving into your inner most thoughts in an instant. So glad you're here.

60. Oh Doppleganger, to forgive Willow with 'everything you are' *sniff* ... you are everything we're here for ... *choke*

61. Celestial Willow you belong here with us, we will all always love Willow. Welcome home. Check Celestial Willow's corner of the web.

62. pacou, your "After all she is still Willow" brings home that depth of unconditional love only a true Willow Interventionist has. Welcome home!

63. Oh Ashley, your identification with our Willow is deeply touching. You can read Ashley's innermost thoughts here but only read them if you're going to be nice, 'cause she's a real sweetie. :)

64. kristy, your great Willow love has been noted. Thank you ... *snivel* ... thank you ...

65. lil'dru, it's all for Willow ... always. (I couldn't get your link to work but if you drop me a line I'll be happy to load the correct one.) :)

66. Losgann, there are those three words to win a Willow Interventionists heart again: "I love Willow". You are not alone. Check Losgann's groovy French quotes site.

67. Justine Deegan, that's the word that truly expresses how much Willow Interventionists forgive the bereft one ... *sob* ... "completely". You will stay with us always, won't you? Contact Justine on msn messenger under tara4willow.

68. Yes Phoebe, Willow kicked ass, but how we wish the ass Willow kicked hadn't been Buffy's ... *sob* ... But we have no doubt all will be forgiven ... *hoping*

69. Oh Evilwillow, you little devil! "Never" forgive our Willow. There's a colossal wink following that big fib. EvilWillow has a lovely French site dedicated to Willow and Tara which is down at the moment, but I'll keep you posted.

70. Kathy Janz, no ... you're right ... *sob* ... nothing ... nothing at all ... *howl*

71. Oh Dean yes, Willow is cool, and ... yes we understand her ... *sob* evilness in the light of her great loss and mind numbing grief. Dean is with the benevolent hosting group Dark Prophecies.

72. Kaite, such devotion ... *choke* ... If you can bear lyrical and romantic reflections and wish to look into Kaite's soul, here's her diary. *sob*

73. kimmie, yes there is much Willow love in you. Glad you came.

74. Oh Dana, yes to see our Will descend into the pit of darkest despair and wreak havoc on those she loves ... did we ever think we would see such a dark day? Dana has a lovely site called The Chosen One.

75. teeya, there are few friends as loyal as you, how luck we are. teeya has a site which I thought was about cerial but it really about Avril Lavigne.

76. Corrie, such resolve in your forgiveness. Thank you ... *snivel*

77. Anna, such a great Willow friend to be blind to her errors, but then the best friends are often those with big hearts and short memories.

78. Lisa, yes it takes a perceptive person to pick up on the signs of potential sparkage with Willow and Anya. Their new found empathy may only hold a new stronger bond of friendship, but that's good too.

79. Julie, a woman of few words, but so apt ... "Totally ..." *wrench*

80. steph, you show a deep sense of justice, and great Willow love in your infinite forgiveness. We're glad you're here with us.

81. willow your ardent Willow support is deeply touching. Thank you for joining us. Check out willow's group Willow's Inn. Yes willow ... forever. *sob*

82. Ell, how our Willow suffered winning back her love only to lose her again ... forever. *sob* Check out Ell's msn community Buffy Fans Community

83. Jo glad to have you on board. Yes, our Will is ... was ... is ... *snivel* ... a cutie ... *howl*

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