MERIVOIMAT 1939 - 1944



Merivoimien komentaja
(Commander of Naval Forces)
Navy and Coastal Defence
Maj.Gen./Lt.Gen.(9.4.41) V. Valve
Merivoimien esikuntapäällikkö
(Chief of Naval Forces Staff)
Helsinki, 11.7. - 19.7.44 Hamina
(Command Staff only)
R. Hakola
S. Sundman


Strength of the Naval Forces was as follows:

Naval Forces
Coastal Fleet/
Hanko Group
Other troops: Total:
12.1939 110 4.890 21.000 - - 26.000
7.1941 210 4.500 18.610 14.700 1.430 39.450
2.1942 170 2.360 14.820 * 2.020 990 20.360 *
6.1943 = = = - = 27.200 **
5.1944 = = = - = 31.480 ***

Of the total number of men in 1942 (*) about 9.350, in 1943 (**) about 14.000 and in 1944 (***) about 14.600 men were under the command of Finnish Supreme HQ or subordinated to Field Army.

Winter War 1939 - 1940

During Winter War Naval Forces (Merivoimat, Me.V) consisted of two main components:

Coastal Fleet and Coastal Artillery [Rannikkotykistö] units together with subordinated infantry units were responsible of Coastal Defence. Smaller naval components were directly under the command of Naval Forces Staff or were subordinated to three regional staffs described on Coastal Defence 1939 - 1940 page. Coast Guard [Merivartiosto] was merged into Naval Forces at the beginning of Winter War.

Naval Forces Staff (Merivoimien esikunta, Me.VE) was organized as follows:

Merivoimien komentaja (Commander of Naval Forces)
Maj.Gen. V. Valve

Naval and infantry units under the command of Naval Forces.

Merivoimien jalkaväkikomentaja (Naval Infantry Commander)
Maj. R. Gröning, 26.1.40- Maj. A. Korvenheimo

Merivoimien ilmakomentaja (Naval Air Commander)
Lt.Col. G. von Behr

Merivoimien esikuntapäällikkö (Chief of Naval Forces Staff)
Cmd. R. Hakola

Järjestely- ja koulutusosasto (Organizing and Training Department)
Cmd. H. Söderholm
----- Komento- ja järjestelytoimisto (Command and Organizing Office)
----- Koulutusosasto (Training Office)
----- Merenkulkutoimisto (Seafaring Office)

Operatiivinen osasto (Operative Department)
Maj. N.Heiro, 18.12.39- Maj. V. Valtanen
----- Operatiivinen toimisto (Operative Office)
----- Tiedustelu- ja viestitoimisto (Intelligence and Signals Office)
----- Meriliikennetoimisto (Navigation Office)

Laivaosasto (Ship Department) (Navy) Capt.(Eng) I. Rewell
----- Yleinen laivatoimisto (General Ship Office)
----- Konstruktiotoimisto (Planning Office)
----- Polttoainetoimisto (Fuel Office)

Aseosasto (Arms Department) Lt.Col. P. Enkainen
----- Tykistötoimisto (Artillery Office)
----- Miina- ja torpedotoimisto (Mine and Torpedo Office)
----- Mittaus- ja viestivälinetoimisto (Measuring and Signals Device Office)
----- Varustelutoimisto (Armament Office)

Huolto-osasto (Supply Department) Maj. L. Hellman
----- Taloustoimisto (Household Office)
----- Tilitystoimisto (Accounts Office)
----- Lääkintätoimisto (Medical Office)


Continuation War 1941 - 1944

A new separate Navy Staff (Laivaston esikunta, LE) was formed in June 1940 at Turku using the former Staff / Sea Defence of the South-Western Finland. Navy and Coastal Defence were under the command of Naval Forces Staff:

Like during Winter War certain naval and coastal artillery units were directly under the command of Naval Forces Staff. Also Finnish Supreme Headquarters had coastal defence units directly under its command, as well as Field Army, but usually only operationally.

Coastal Fleet was suspended in autumn 1941 and its tasks were replaced by new smaller detachments, the most important being Light Naval Detachment [Kevyt laivasto-osasto]. Coast Guard was partly merged into Naval Forces but it formed also its own units described on Naval Police / Coast Guard Companies 1941 - 1944 page.



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