Quality music from quality people -Erik Jacobson
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Finding The Fourth News:
10-20-03 - Hollllyyyyy crap. Lets see 5 months later. New high school. Driver's liscense. Still haven't jammed with the guys in like a millenia. I Decided it was about time to at least write something in here for my brother Matt who seems to check this site a little too often while he's at "work". Anyways. I believe that we could be making very good music if Denny wasn't always working and we got together over at ben's sometime. Cause well, me and peter jammed, and it was good. I believe that good things could happen if we just set aside enough time for them. Alright well. I guess I probably won't end up updating this till like march or so, soooo...I'll talk to you then then. Heh. Later ya'll. Steve.
5_23_03 - Sorry for lack of updates again. I finally have some free time now though. Lacrosse is over and school is coming to a close so things are pickin up. We've started practicing again finally. Good stuff is being produced, believe me. We're back and better than ever. This summer should be pretty productive. Some of us can drive so practicing will be wayyyy more frequent. We'll probably record some more too. We have some sweet new songs and some new ones in the works.
The show at Roy's isn't going to happen...very sorry. I'm going to be in Colorado that week. Don't worry though. Hopefully we'll have some shows over the summer, and if not, definitely next year....talent show...battle of the bands...They can't turn us down. We'll be juniors...and that's what the auditions are based on anyways.
Alright that's about it. later. steve
4-26-03 - Its been way more than a month, sorry folks. Still doin the lacrosse thing, losing pounds, you know. We haven't pracitced since my last message so there isn't too much to update on. My brother was just getting mad cause I don't update the site anymore. Uhhh...lets see, unless I'm in Colorado we're gonna play a show June 6th I believe at Roy Kirby's house. But like I said. I might be in Colorado so I dunno about that. You can link to HELP's I mean EASTERN SKYLINE's website somewhere around here. I just noticed they had a link to here on their site so I thought I'd be cool and link to theirs, alright later folks.
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