
The FOLD webmistress VioletAbyssinian.

Send your letter to:
Elane Geller (she'll forward it to Filter's management (3AM/3 Artists Management)
P.O. Box 6868
Burbank, CA 91510
Send your email to: [email protected]


So you want to join the FOLD . . .

The doors of the FOLD have been flung open. But don't think you can waltz through the doors into Filter bliss so easily!


If you want to join, email the webmistress and explain why. Do NOT gush all over the place. Just send a short note about why you are a Filter fan and what you will bring the FOLD. Unless you are on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List, you will most likely become a member. You should receive a confirmation email from the webmistress within a few days.


The FOLD began with a group of Filter Fans who posted on the OfficialFilter.com Bulletin Board. After noticing other bands had a name for their online fans, we decided we needed a name. So all of the board frequenters proposed our ideas for a name for ourselves. After all the suggestions were made, a poll was taken. The majority's favorite was a suggestion made by VioletAbyssinian, the name Filter's OnLine Devotees, or the FOLD for short.

Soon, the name grew from just a title for the fans to a title for a fan association. Filter didn't have an offical fan association, and we decided we were going to be it.

So Alison, got chosen as the original webmistress. And now I, VioletAbyssinian (aka Anastasia), am the webmistress. Everyone contributes the info through pictures, news, reviews, whatever fits, and we put it online. The FOLD site is a representation of all the members of the FOLD.


Webmistress: Anastasia aka VioletAbyssinian
Photo, Artwork & Graphics Contributors: Filter_Trip, JBD, Filter1, Jocelyn, Filterasian, VioletAbyssinian
News Contributors: FilteRyan
Special Thanks: Alison, Hubka, officialfilter.com
Pictures on this website come from FOLD members (Special thanks to Ann, Danny, Jason & Jocelyn!) and the Official Filter website.
Send your pictures, stories, artwork, everything for the site to VioletAbyssinian.

All material on this website is property of the FOLD. Any unauthorized use of the name FOLD or any material, photographs or otherwise, is not allowed without express permission.
www.geocities.com/filterfans is the only official website for the FOLD.

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws