My rant page (totally useless and insipid thoughts)

Click on the following links, to hear my points of view on the following topics:

Bob Barker

Judge Judy


The Supersonic-Power Mittens

The Forward to End All Forwards!!! - a forward sent to me via email

And now... my totally useless and insipid thoughts!!!

Well, to start things off, I'd like to say that I'll update these insipid thoughts, whenever something boring and useless occurs or happens to me! Just to show you people how useless this part of my webpage really is, I'll give you an example. It's 9:33pm right now, on October 21, 1999. Now did you really need to know that? The first conclusion you would get is "No, I didn't need to know that".. BUT.. you're wrong! You DID need to know that! How do you know how up to date this little paragraph is? What if you read this little paragraph in a week and thought "When did she write that?" but NOW you know. *folds arms* I think I've made my point.

October 21, 1999, 10:35pm: As you read this page, I think there's a little Yahoo! Geocities advertisement in the top right-hand corner. I hate those stupid internet ads! NO ONE reads them, or listens to them, or clicks on them!! (Except the un-experienced Internet users.) At least that add up there, you can click the X and it'll disappear, but why must people take up every space possible for their stupid advertisements? I took Media this year, but only because of the computer component involved. (yes yes Dr. Evil... I know...) Companies who think that people will just get up and buy their product instantly, because of some stupid ad they saw, are completely wrong! As we've been learning, some form of media works better than others, and this Internet ad stuff, is just plain dumb!!!!

December 27th, 1999, 11:15pm: Time. What is time? It's something that humans use as a tool. But humans no longer use time as a tool, but they depend on it. How do we know that 60 minutes is an hour? Why isn't 50 minutes an hour? It would make much more sense. 50 is a nice round number. If the world spinned faster, then we would be more ahead in 'time' than we are now. I could be 'older' and probably even married. What's with having 365 days in a year? Why not 360? or 350? Those are nice round numbers. 365 just looks like it's out there someplace, not really having to do with anything.

January 5th, 2000, 5:12pm: I realized a while back that resolving to make myself a better person never works, so this year I'm trying something different; I've resolved to drag others down to my level.

April 25th, 2000, 9:46pm: Why is it that people, relatives, sometimes come in your room and just stay there. They don't say anything, they don't really have a purpose for coming, yet they come anyway and just stare at you. If you ask them what they want, they say "nothing". People always want something! In fact, people only do things, if it benefits them. "But what about volunteering?" you ask. People volunteer to make themselves feel good, to make themselves feel like they're doing something good for others. Even a simple emotion can be rewarding enough to make people do things they otherwise would not do.

Also, why do teachers love to pile up the work near the end of the year? I mean it's not like we have exams to worry about, or final tests to study for. I think there should be 4 days of school/work, and then a 4-day weekend every week! People always say there should be a balance between work and play, but the balance usually means work mostly, and play a little. If it was really equal, then we would have longer holidays.

February 8th, 2004, 2:23pm: Wow, I haven't updated this webpage in a very long time. What an interesting fact that I just had to share with the world. Well, my life is pretty good right now actually. Well, bye!

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