

Miscellaneous wavs

Someone Calls in to Win 100 Grand... (945KB)

Underpants Gnomes song
- from South Park (63.3KB)

AOL Song
(to the tune of "The Sign" by Ace of Base) (571KB)

AOL sucks
- fake AOL advertisement (382KB)

Star Trek people killing Barney

Barney won't die

- Spoof of the song "Barbie" by Aqua (571KB)

Kyle's Mom is a Stupid Bitch, in D minor
- from South Park (458KB)

Killing Barney fans

Condomman song

Killing Elmo and Barney

A funny song

"I want to get online..."

Kill my boss?
- from the Simpsons (17.6KB)

A lesson on the word "*beep*"

"Uh's a chain letter...."
- from Pinky and the Brain (59.8KB)

"I love you...and you....and you..."
- great wav! No one really knows why it's so funny though....  (48.8KB)

"Yeah that team sure did suck last night..."
- from the Simpsons (79.3KB)

Trapped on the internet
- to the tune of "Gilligans Island" (228KB)

Ugly Girl
- Spoof of Aqua's "Barbie girl" (53 bytes, .ram file)

America Inline advertisement (AKA You've got mail)


"You are an idiot"

Human Error
(103KB, .au file)

Tickle Me Elmo like you've never seen him before....

Barney getting shot by someone on Hooked on Phonics

"It's a fact, stupid people have stupid children...."

Southpark: Kyle/Stan talking to the bus driver...

The "Monday Sucks" Song

Men in Brown

Song by President Clinton
- to the tune of "Chumbawumba" (744KB)

Dub Theater

Cat Food
- about cats being in food (235KB)

- an ad for a motorcycle (130KB)

A guy getting busted for cheating on his girlfriend....

Answering Machine Messages

6th Sense Detection Agency


Answering Machine Advertisement

Afterlife Voice Mail System

- in form of answering machine (590KB)

Alien Contact

Angry Voice


CPX-2000 Voice Blackmail System

"I'm busy....I'm busy....I can't come to the phone...."
- with accent (205KB)

Multiple Choice, Answering Machine Message

Emergency Telephone Answering System

Airplane Message

Male voice saying "Hello?....Hellooooo?...Hello?"


Psychic Answering Machine

Radio Announcer
- answering machine message (661KB)

"This is the answering's service's answering's service....."


"We can't come to the phone right now because our turtle...Tippy...has passed away...."
- lots of crying (699KB)

Voice Mail
(40KB, .ra file)

(44.6KB, .ra file)

Homer Simpson
(38.6KB, .ra file)

(48.6KB, .ra file)

Talk Show
(60KB, .ra file)

For Dr. Evil wavs, from Austin Powers go to Dr. Evil's Temple of Evil - wavs

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