Fijian <=> English Dictionary

This page is presented with many thanks to Maba for her help in creating these recordings. Maba is a native fijian speaker from the Rewa Delta region of Viti Levu.

Audio List
balavu long, tall
balavu tall
batabata cold, coolness
berabera slow
bibi heavy
ca bad, evil, ruin
ca bad
ciwa nine
damudamu red
dina true, genuine, sincere
drokadroka, karakarawa green
dromodromo yellow
dua one, or a in front of nouns
gunu Drink
ibe mat
io, ia yes
ka thing
kana Eat
karakarawa blue
katakata hot, feverish
kele arrive, come to a stop
kemuni you
lailai small
lako go
lekaleka short
levu big
levu great
lima five
loaloa black
mai from
mai at, from, hither
malua gently
mamada light in weight
nanoa yesterday
nikua today
nimataka tomorrow
ono six
rauta enough
rauta about (approx)
rua Two
sega No
siga sunny
siga day
sucu breast
sucu born
tanoa bowl
tini ten
tolu three
totolo, vakatotolo fast, quick
tulou/tilou Excuse me
uca rain
va four
vinaka good
vinaka (cake) better
vitu seven
vula month
vula moon
walu eight
yadra awake, good morning
yadra awake
yaloka eye
yaqona kava

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