October 13 - National Protest
Wells College students protest on the steps of the administration building in Aurora, New York.
Relevant Links
Save Our Sisterhood--The Wells College Protesters
Pledge you application to Wells if they overturn their decision.
Sign the Alumnae Petition!
My Info:
Jade K. Kai
[email protected]
The Wells College Board of Trustees has unfairly decided to become a coed school without the adequate input from students, faculty, and alumnae that is needed for such a big decision.

Cottey College in conjunction with the Wells College protesters are organizing a national protest day on October 13 2004 (Wednesday).

There are several ways your school can participate:
1. Hold a candlelight vigil on campus in support of the protesters.
2. Raise money to send to the protesters for supplies.
3. Encourage your college president to write to President Ryerson urging her to revoke the decision to go coed.
4. Contact your local press to make sure they cover your campus' involvement.

Please contact me with any ideas you don't already see on this page.

There are now fewer than 60 all-women's colleges in the country.  We can't let another one go!

Remember the National Protest Day is October 13th, 2004 (Wednesday).

Please contact me if your school is participating.
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