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The Founder of Modern Saudi Arabia

King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman bin Faysal Al Saud
King of Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia 1932-1953
Born: 1880 Died: 1953
Wives: 20 Children: 68
The founder of modern Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz captured Riyadh in 1902 and defeated the Al Saud's long time rivals for control the the Najd, or Central Saudi Arabia, the Rashid clan. After uniting various Najdi tribes under the puritanical Islamic order, his bedouin army conquered the Hijaz and then the Asir region to unite the Kingdom. Abdul Aziz subsequently cemented his ties to the various regions of the country through multiple marriages that produced 45 male children. After American petroleum engineers discovered oil in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province in 1932, Abdul Aziz began to strengthen the Kingdom's relationship with the United States. In 1945, he met with Franklin Roosevelt aboard the USS Quincy in the Great Bitter lake. Since that time, Saudi Arabia has become an economic and strategic ally of the United States. The strength of this alliance was demonstrated during the 1991 Gulf Crisis, when the United States led the multinational effort to defend the kingdom and remove Iraqi forces from neighboring Kuwait. Abdul Aziz was a member of the Abdul Aziz, or Royal, line of the Saudi family that traces its heritage directly to King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman bin Faysal Al Saud. In official correspondence, he is referred to as "His Royal Highness".

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