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Training in-between seasons:
In-between seasons I train 4 times a week according to the following scheme:
Arms (deltas 2 sets 30 times)
Back (chest 3 sets 8 to10 times)
Legs (back 3 sets 20 times)
Chest (arms 3 sets 20times)
Deltas (legs 2 sets 50 times)

Training before competitions:
In the period of getting ready for the competitions I train every day. I work out 5 times in the gym and I have aerobics every day. I also start keeping to a diet 3 months before the Championship.
My training is carried out according to the scheme that follows:
� chest, triceps (shin, biceps 2 sets 30 times each)
� deltas 2 sets 35 to 50 times each (back, abs 3 sets 50 times)
� quadriceps 2 last sets 50-75 times (biceps, hips100 times.)
� back, biceps, 2 last sets 35-50 times (triceps 50-75 times, deltas 35-50 times.)
� biceps, hips, shin 3 sets 35-50-75 (quadriceps 100 times., chest, abs 3-35-50-75)

Copyright (c) Elena Nazarova 2003
Thanks to female muscle.

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