Team Leader Contact Information:  Felicia Samson
[email protected]
Weekly Bulletin: November 23, 2005 (page2)
St. Anthony Indian School
PO Box 486, Zuni, NM 87327 505-782-4596
St. Anthony 2005-2006
For Students and Parents
Weekly Bulletins Index
Click on Links below to receive more information
Science and Math News Please see Ms. B's Web Page:
Language Arts News
    Our persuasive unit is complete.  We have begun our "How-To" Project.  How do you make a meat pie?  How do you make a paper airplane?  How do you approach a new person?  How do you do a cartwheel?  How do you finish all of your homework?  How do you...?  How do you decide on your topic for this project?!?  Look for our "How-to" speeches and books forthcoming!

Language Arts Weekly Homework (due Wed, Nov. 21st)

**Don't forget to do your spelling sentences and break your WOW into morphemes!

1.  Parent Signature on Weekly Bulletin
2.  Parent Signature in Assignment Book by word of the week
3. Spelling: 
10 times each and write each word in a sentence. Bonus activities (word art, stories, WOW, etc.) available!
Grade 5: friendship, leadership, relationhship, membership, ownership
Grade 6:
include, inhale, exclude, exhale, overcook
Grade 7:
probably, Saturday, treasure, binoculars, finally
Grade 8:
regular, regiment, regime, regal, policy
4. Vocabulary
(WOW): loquacious
   (1) Word (2) Definition (3) Morphemes (4) POS (5) Picture (6) Sentence
5. Reading Logs:  60 minutes per week; record on your log.
6.  Weekly Meditation:
(1) Copy the song/ scripture into meditation journal ; (2) Meditate on
     the song/ scripture, and write what it means to you; (3) Illustrate

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding."

            ---Proverbs 3:5
Come buy a drawing or a card

...See Todd Eustace, Tamara James, or McKenz Leekya

Thank you for supporting DC Drawing Club
Do you have something to add to the weekly bulletin?  Put it in the 5th grade box by the Friday the week before you want it to appear in the next Wednesday's bulletin!  
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