Team Leader Contact Information:  Felicia Samson
[email protected]
Weekly Bulletin: October 26, 2005 (page2)
St. Anthony Indian School
PO Box 486, Zuni, NM 87327 505-782-4596
St. Anthony 2005-2006
For Students and Parents
Weekly Bulletins Index
Click on Links below to receive more information
Science and Math News Please see Ms. B's Web Page:
Language Arts News
    We've started our persuasive unit.  Sample topics:  Being drug free, headphone use in the classroom, recess for intermediate grades, lunch seating, quarter exam schedule, locks on locks
     Special activities:  5th grade reading buddies with 1st grade; 6th grade reading buddies with Kindergarten; 8th grade reading buddies with Pre-K; 7th grade newspaper

Language Arts Weekly Homework (due Wed, Nov. 2nd)

1.  Parent Signature on Weekly Bulletin
2.  Parent Signature in Assignment Book by word of the week
3. Spelling: 
10 times each.  Bonus activities (word art, sentences, stories, WOW, etc.) available!
Grade 5: buffet, barbecue, picnic, banquet, ballet
Grade 6:
productive, attractive, negative, constructive, creative
Grade 7: 
rectangle, identical, logical, vertical, impartial
Grade 8:
pageant, sergeant, aerial, ricochet, matinee
4. Vocabulary
   (1) Word (2) Definition (3) Etymology (4) POS (5) Picture (6) Sentence
5. Reading Logs:  60 minutes per week; record on your log.
6.  Weekly Meditation:
(1) Copy the song/ scripture into meditation journal ; (2) Meditate on
     the song/ scripture, and write what it means to you; (3) Illustrate

I want somebody to share, share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts,know my intimate detail.
Someone who'll stand by my side, and give me support
And in return (they)'ll get my support.
(They) will listen to me, when I want to speak
About the world we live in, or life in general.
Though my views may be wrong, they may even be perverted,
(They)'ll hear me out and won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking, in fact (they)'ll often disagree,             
But at the end of it all, (they) will understand me.

                                         --from Depeche Mode
Do you have something to add to the weekly bulletin?  Put it in the 5th grade box by the Friday the week before you want it to appear in the next Wednesday's bulletin!  
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