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Language Arts/ Music Weekly Bulletin January 11, 2006 (page 2)
Ms. Felicia

Music Third Quarter Report
Topic:  Instrument
I. Pick an instrument
II. Why did you pick this instrument?
III. What is the instrument made of?
a. Materials
b. Size
c. Picture
IV. What is the purpose of this instrument?
a. What kinds of sounds does this instrument make?
b. Melody? Rhythm? Harmony?
V. What type of music is this instrument used in? (Can be more than one)
VI. Name 3 musicians/ composers/ bands that use this instrument
VII. How do you play this instrument?
VIII. What are some other instruments in the same family?
IX. Name three pieces that this instrument is used in.
X. Other interesting information
Remember, these should be in PARAGRAPH form for full credit.

Your Life's Direction Event on January 21, 2006
If interested in participating, registration will be from Thursday, January 12th through Friday, January 20th in the Health Room upstairs from 3pm-4pm.  Families are welcome to stop by to register between Jan 17-Jan 20th. STUDENTS:  If you would like to participate, come by the Health Room and pick up a form to take home for parent signature.   --Ms. Stephanie

Student Name:  ___________________________Parent Signature: _______________________________
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