Grade 4 Day Two
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Grade 4 Day One Grade 4 Day Three
My Info:
Name: Felicia Samson
Email: [email protected]
Day Two


Mastermind (10 minutes)

Emergency Procedures (10 minutes)

Venn Diagram Brainstorming with Buddy
(25 minutes)
Explain Venn Diagram (10 minutes)
Complete Venn Diagram (15 minutes)

Writing Assignment #2 (30 minutes)
Use venn diagram information to write a letter comparing self and buddy to classmates and me.

Share / edit letter with neighbor (15 minutes)

Final drafts of letters / pictures if time
(35 minutes)

Recess (10 minutes)

Introduce neighbor to class
(30 minutes)

Recite Morphemes and Learn Chant
(10 minutes)
"believe, piece, friend"

Class Events Timeline Activity (40 minutes)
Event brainstorming think-write-pair-share (15 minutes)
Write ups and illustrations -- who, what, where, when, why, how (15 minutes)
Timelining (10 minutes)

Read-Aloud: Chicken Soup for the Pre-Teen Soul (15 minutes)

BORE #2: Chicken Soup for the Pre-Teen Soul (35 minutes)
Review BORE (5 minutes)
Think-Write-Pair-Share (10 minutes)
Draft (10 minutes)
Share (10 minutes)

Game:  Boggle (10 minutes)

Lunch (30 minutes)

Class Statistics and Probability
(20 minutes)
Categories brainstorming and surveying

Class Pie Charts
(15 minutes)

Class Bar Graphs(15 minutes)

Class Write-Ups (15 minutes)

Decide on Class Survey Question(s) (10 minutes)

Class Lecture:  Hypotheses, Questioning, Scientific Reasoning
(15 minutes)
Definitions of hypotheses, research, conclusion; review scientific reasoning

Develop Class Hypothesis (10 minutes)
Topic: Coming to school will...

Class Data Collection on Hypotheses
(30 minutes)

Clean-up, Rhymes,Chants, and Reminders
(10 minutes)


Homework Clu
b (35 minutes)



Class Survey Question(s) (TBD
Data Collection on Class Hypothesis
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