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Weekly Bulletin:  January 17, 2005
For Students and Parents
St. Anthony Grade 4 2004-2005
January 2005
St. Anthony Indian SchoolGrade 4 with Ms. Felicia
Contact Information:
Ms. Felicia
[email protected]
Meditation song for this week:
    Speak to my heart, Lord  Give me your holy word.
    If I can hear from you, then I'll know what to do.
    I won't go alone.  I'll never go on my own.
    Just let your Spirit guide, and in your word abide.     
Students with missing assignments are expected to stay for HW club (Every Tuesday afternoon 3-4pm), unless parent/guardian writes a note.
What's Happening in Grade Four...
1.  Spelling Bee We will continue to have weekly spelling bees to help our spelling bee representatives prepare for the upcoming school spelling bee.  Students who stay up for at least two rounds during the remaining class practices will receive a sticker for their card... so keep studying!
2.  Science Fair Last week, guidelines were sent home for the science fair.  Don't forget that the science fair projects will be displayed on the 20th!!
3.  Save These Dates
January 20th (Thursday) 6:30-8:00pm Family Math Night -and- Classroom Meeting.
February 7th (Monday) 8:30am-3pm.  Chinese New Year Stations... we need parent helpers!  .
4.  Show and Tell started last week!  Please complete the attached allergies form and return asap.  Students are interested in bringing pets, foods, etc. but we don't want any allergic reactions occurring! 
5.  Book Orders due Wednesday, January 19th.  Remember, you can only order one book with your free book coupon.  You can save it until the end of the year if you like.
Assignments In? 
You are missing _________  assignments.  Check the chart and mark them below:

___ Phonics pages 52, 53, 54
___ Spelling page 40
___ Math WB pages 11, 14, 15
___ Chinese New Year Letter
___ Science page B63 Flashcards

Did you turn in
          your allergy form???
Homework (due Monday, January 24th):
1. Reading... Read at least 15 minutes 4 times and record on the Jan/Feb Reading Log.
2. Math... Worksheets attached
3. Assignments not completed in class (so you don't have to stay for HW club!!)
**Don't forget:  Language Arts Workbook page 7 is due on Wednesday!
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