AranMax Creations appreciates your interest in this site and thanks you for your visit.

AranMax Creations Presents Final Chapter: The Neverending Story, the first and original Fan Fiction web site online. There is no charge or exchange of money to view this site.

By accessing and browsing the site, you accept, without limitation or qualification, the terms and conditions with respect to the subject matter hereof.

1. Disclaimer / Original Work’s Information

� Copyright Michael Ende
� Copyright K. Thienemanns Verlag, Stuttgart, 1979
Translation � Copyright Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1983
� Copyright Penguin Books 1984
� Creative Copyright Claim AranMax Creations 2000

Final Chapter: The Neverending Story, Written by AranMax; is based off of the Novel “The Neverending Story” written by Michael Ende, and is also based loosely off of specific themes in the resulting variations of the novel. AranMax Creations does not in any way claim ownership of the original Novel, or resulting variations that Final Chapter: TNES is based off of. The characters named in the book and resulting variations are the property of their copyright owners. The main plot for Final Chapter is an original idea by AranMax and is not found in the novel or resulting variations of the novel. Final Chapter: TNES follows the theme of fantasy laid out by Michael Ende and expands upon that theme. The result is a totally original story. No part of the novel or resulting variations have been used in full, only the mention or re-visiting to a person, place, or thing. But no scene, chapter, or paragraph has been copied into the Final Chapter story line from its original based works.

2. Art form displays

Final Chapter: The Neverending Story utilizes original and re-worked images and graphics for its visual display. These objects may not be copied for personal use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or re-posted at other sites. All materials are provided for non-commercial use only, and must appear on this web site only unless otherwise stated.

3. Transmitted Materials

Any communication or material you transmit to the site or e-mail address provided, such as questions, comments, suggestions or similar, will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary, unless anything else is being requested.

4. Submitted Fan Fiction

The Final Chapter: TNES web site will host at time to time a number of NES Fan Fiction Stories written by persons other than AranMax. These works are the creative property of their author who shall be held accountable for any annoyances or damages that may occur.

For any NES Fan Fiction to appear on this site it must meet the requirements laid out by AranMax Creations. It must not contain off theme ideas such as great violence, sexual content, drugs, or any defamation to the legacy of NES. AranMax Creations reserves the right to modify these requirements at any time.

5. Links to Other NES Sites

AranMax Creations is not responsible for any contents linked from or referred to his pages - AranMax is not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of any off-site pages or any other sites linked to the site. Your following the link to a site, off-site pages or other sites is at your own risk. If any damage or insult occurs by the use of information presented on other sites, only the webmaster of the respective pages might be liable.

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7. Questions, Comments, or Submissions

If you have any questions or comments about the Final Chapter: TNES web site or wish to submit a Fan Fiction story for posting on this site, please send all queries or comments to:


Thank You.

(Webmaster of Final Chapter
and AranMax Creations)

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     This site is maintained and updated by AranMax Creations AranMax Creations does not claim the work displayed to be fully it's own. Copyrights and trademarks for the art forms, and other materials are held by their respective owners. Everything else copyright � 2001

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