Farlander Central ........ established 2003 ........ created and maintained by Keyan Farlander


Game Resources

Hitman: Codename 47 Walkthrough

Written by:
Keyan Farlander ([email protected])


Mission 1: Kowloon Triads in Gang War

You are sent to Hong Kong to take out a man by the name of Lee Hong, who is the leader of a triad called Red Dragon. Of course you can’t exactly waltz into his mansion with an automatic rifle because he has an entire army of people who are all too happy to introduce bullets into your body. So your first step is to weaken his position by taking out one of his men and leading people to think that the opposition, Blue Lotus, is to blame. Obviously, since members of both triads are meeting in a public park, you can’t exactly run in and mow everybody down. What you need is – a silent attack.

Suggested shopping list

Blaser Jagdwaffen R93 Sniper ($1550) – remember your ammunition!
Binoculars ($750)

Suggested course of action

Find a suitable place to stake out. The meeting will be taking place on the west end of the park, so you need to be able to aim your rifle in that location without being seen. Hiding behind one of those huge yellow dumpsters facing the park entrance is a good idea – you can silently observe the meeting, and assemble your weapon without being noticed. Alternatively, if you go to the blue building, you’ll find an elevator that takes you to the roof, where you have an excellent vantage point. Your sole target is a man in red and black. Do not kill anybody else! When you see him talking to the Blue Lotus negotiator, get out your gun and let him have it in the head. Do not kill anybody else. Then RUN!

Mission 2: Ambush at the Wang Fou Restaurant

You’ve put the blame on Blue Lotus, and they’re terrified. They are sending people to the Wang Fou Restaurant to apologise to Red Dragon for the incident and to reconcile with them. Of course, you’re not going to let that happen, are you?

Suggested shopping list

Car Bomb with Remote Detonator ($3000)
Beretta 92 Silenced ($775)
Fibre Wire ($110) or Knife ($65)

Suggested course of action

Run to the building facing the Wang Fou Restaurant. You’ll find some yellow dumpsters behind it – and a sewer. How convenient. Mill around the back alley until you see the Blue Lotus driver walk to the sewer. While he’s emptying his bladder, take him out (your choice of weapons, but make it silent). DO NOT let any passersby catch you in the act! Put away your weapon quickly, and dump the dead guy in the sewer. Then jump in after him and take his clothes. Climb out and coolly walk to the side of the car facing the restaurant (make sure you don’t get too close to the Blue Lotus guard, because he’ll see right through your disguise), crouch down and place the car bomb. Then retreat to the far end of the street (South East of the restaurant) where you can see three Blue Lotus members. Eventually the Blue Lotus members in the restaurant will come out, and the car will drive off (without the driver!!). Time the explosion so that it takes out the three members on the street. If you fail to kill them in the explosion, no big deal. You still have a gun with you, right???

If you do this right, you will have led Blue Lotus to believe that Red Dragon have exacted revenge on them. Isn’t it fun to mislead people?

Mission 3: The Massacre at Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant

Thanks to you, the two triads are on the brink of war. The Chief of Police, who is being paid by both, is trying to prevent this by getting negotiators from both triads to reconcile. If you can kill the Chief and make witnesses believe that Red Dragon is behind all this, the police will lift their protection from Lee Hong, making him at least remotely accessible to you.

Suggested shopping list

Beretta 92 Silenced ($775) OR Knife ($65)
AMT 1911 'Hardballer'($550)

Suggested course of action

Go inside the Cheung Chau Restaurant and tell the proprietor that you need to use the bathroom. Take the key and go in. Leave your gun inside (if you’re bringing the Beretta and another weapon, keep the Beretta!). Sneak out through the window. The Red Dragon negotiator will be entering the area from the Northeast. Follow him down the road until you see an open sewer and, while nobody’s watching, waste him. Dump him into the sewer and take his clothes and amulet. Go back to the restaurant. You’ll have to leave your weapons with the guards when you go in, but no matter, you have a gun in the bathroom, remember? (now you see what the gun is for!) The Chief and the Blue Lotus negotiator are sitting at a table. Do not make contact! Go straight to the bathroom, dump the amulet, retrieve your pistol and kill the Chief of Police. Jump out of the window again and run to your getaway car.

Mission 4: The Lee Hong Assassination

All your actions have led to this final showdown – locate and steal Lee Hong’s Dragon statue, and then kill Lee Hong. Why your customer wants the statue is beyond comprehension, but since when were you paid to ask questions? Intelligence has it that the last agent who had infiltrated the place has been captured. If you can find him, perhaps he knows where the statue is being kept. Beware! Lee Hong may no longer be under police protection, but he still has his own personal army of bodyguards and henchmen protecting him at his stronghold – which, interestingly enough, comprises a fancy restaurant and bar, and a brothel. Vicious and evil, Lee Hong has only one weakness – women. Now, how can you use this against him?

Suggested shopping list

Fibre Wire ($110) or Knife ($65)
Beretta 92 Silenced ($775) – well, technically speaking, you *could* do without it, but are you willing to take the risk?

Suggested course of action

Go to Lee Hong’s complex and explore it carefully. When you are ready for action, enter the restaurant. Locate a waiter, and ask him where you can have a bit of fun. He’ll tell you to go ask the bartender for details. Go talk to the bartender. He’ll assume that you’re interested in a quick tumble, and give you an invitation to the brothel. Pick his brains some more and you’ll find that the missing agent is being held in the basement – he got caught for trying to break into a safe. The same one the statue is kept in, you wonder?

Now go find a bodyguard you can kill and steal clothes from. There are two possibilities: the guy in the bathroom or the guy in the brothel stairwell (that’s the one you find yourself in should you go through the first door). Once you are dressed as a bodyguard (how is it that you can steal clothes from people of different shapes and sizes, and still fit nicely into them?), make your way to the brothel. Talk to the leering old lady, who will offer you her ‘best girl’ Lei Ling. (how nice of her) Follow Lei Ling to her room and talk to her. She’ll offer to trade safe passage for information about the safe – it turns out that she found the combination in Lee Hong’s trousers. Follow her to the roof (now you see why you had to steal clothes. If you’d gone out in your best suit, you would’ve had big bad guys with machine guns coming to make holes in you), up the ladder to the other side of the wall, and to the gate that leads outside. Once there, she’ll give you the combination to the safe – and a goodbye kiss. Not exactly an enjoyable experience.

Now that you have the combination, you need the safe. Go down to the basement and explore it thoroughly. The place is crawling with guards! There’s a door that the guards won’t let you through – could the agent be inside?

You are now faced with a bit of a dilemma. Do you just kill the guy outside the door, drag him into the cell and hope nobody realises he’s missing, or do you wipe out everybody on the level? Remember, the agent *must* survive. If you decide to go down the path of mayhem, start by taking out the guards at the West end of the basement, and work your way from there. Just try not to alert too many guards while you’re at it. Once everybody’s lying in a pool of their own blood, enter the cell and talk to the agent. He’ll tell you where the safe is.

Depending on how many times you’ve played the game, the safe could be at any one of three locations: in the meeting area of the VIP lounge, in a room in the brothel or in the store room with a door that leads to the basement. Wherever it is, go there and check out the place. Kill the guards as quietly as possible, steal the statue and get the hell out of there before anyone finds their bodies. Bring the statue to the guy who runs the herbal shop in the restaurant, and he’ll give you a bottle of poison and tell you that Lee Hong and his trusty bodyguard Tzun will be dining at the restaurant shortly.

What should you do now? You can choose to blow Lee Hong’s brains out at the restaurant with a weapon and try to get out of the place alive (remember that your getaway vehicle is a speedboat at Lee Hong’s headquarters!), or you can be sneaky and use the poison. If you choose the path of stealth, go find a waiter to kill (this will inevitably cause your pay to be docked, but hey, you’re getting $30,000 for this mission). Take his clothes and go to the kitchen where a cook will tell you to take the soup to Lee Hong. Empty the bottle of poison into it, and take the soup to Lee Hong’s table. His bodyguard will insist on drinking it first – rats! Of course, the good thing is that you no longer have him to deal with, since he’s the only one who can identify you as an infiltrator. Get out of there before they can associate Tzun’s murder with you.

Go find yourself some Red Dragon member clothes – there’s plenty to steal from! Make your way to the headquarters (it’s easiest to go by way of the basement). Lee Hong is on the upper level with a whole horde of guards. Observe his movements, and go hide in a room that he will be sure to go into. When he enters, kill him (make sure the guards don’t see you!), check his body for letters, and run back downstairs. Take the elevator to the dock, get to the speedboat and get the heck out of there.

NOTE: Alternatively, you can snipe Lee Hong from the open area where you said goodbye to Lei Ling. And where to get the rifle, you ask. Well, didn't you see it somewhere in the basement?


Mission 5: Find the U’wa Tribe

You have been inserted into the jungles of Columbia to track down and – ultimately – kill the Columbian druglord Pablo Belisario Ochoa. The thing is – there’s only one road leading to his camp, and you can’t go that way. You need to find an alternative way in. According to intelligence, one of Pablo’s planes has gone down somewhere in the jungle. You have to locate the plane before Pablo’s people do and retrieve a sacred idol belonging to the U’wa tribe, who reside in the heart of the jungle and who just might know another way into Pablo’s camp. If you can restore the idol to its proper owners, there is a chance that they may divulge this secret to you.

Suggested shopping list

Because you are in a jungle, chances are that you won’t find a shopping mall catering to your artillery needs, so you’re going to have to bring enough weapons and equipment with you to last three missions.

Kevlar Body Armor ($900)
Compass ($30)
Fibre Wire ($110) or Knife ($65)
Whatever pistols or guns you feel you will need. (You don’t have to arm yourself to the teeth. Surely there are weapons to be found somewhere in the jungle. It is, after all, infested with Pablo’s men)

Suggested course of action

Take out your compass and consult your map. You will notice that the jungle is absolutely crawling with enemies! Taking care not to engage anybody you can’t handle quietly, make your way to the crashed plane. Do it FAST – or Pablo’s men will beat you to it. Find the idol and get the heck out of there. Now find somebody to kill and take his clothes and, if you didn’t bring any heavy artillery, his gun. You are now more or less free to wander about the jungle without having to worry about getting shot at. Make your way to the village, and show the villagers the idol. Their headman will tell you that Pablo’s men have taken his brother.

Check your map again – it will now show that the captured brother is being held at a bridge Southwest of the village. Make your way there and climb up the guard tower. So far so good. Take the ammo lying on the crate and kill the guard. It doesn’t matter how you do it – the other guards will automatically be alerted to your presence. Grab the sniper rifle and kill the lot. Once everybody is dead, the headman’s brother will make his escape – and so should you, before more goons show up.

Head back to the village and wait for the headman’s brother to show up. The headman will now tell you about the secret entrance, so listen up.

Mission 6: The Jungle God

The good news is that the U’wa people know of a secret passage to Pablo’s camp. The bad news is that its entrance is guarded by the U’wa God of Death, Tezcatlipoca. The fact that Tezcatlipoca is a large jaguar with a voracious appetite does not help things.

Obviously you have to find some way around the predator, and because the U’wa people hold it to be sacred, you can’t exactly go around killing it. So you have two options: run like hell for the entrance and hope you don’t get mauled too badly, or distract it and swagger your way to the passage. If you prefer the safe way around things, go to the edge of the river. There are some pigs there. Kill one of them. You will inevitably attract the attention of several soldiers who, up till now, thought you were one of them – which means you will have to dispose of all of them. Bring the pig to the sacrificial altar. Wait for the jaguar to start feeding on it, and then walk to the passage entrance and crawl in.

Mission 7: Say Hello to My Little Friend

You are in, and so far nobody has identified you as an infiltrator. Not yet, anyway. Make your way to the gate with the road leading into the camp, and go in. Right in front of you is a surplus tent. Go in and pick up the silenced Beretta, Kevlar vest and ammo. Exit the tent. There is another surplus tent to the right of Pablo’s mansion. You should find an AK-47 and some ammo in it. Filch that as well – since everybody else is carrying it, nobody will suspect you.

Ready for action? Enter Pablo’s house through the back entrance that IS NOT GUARDED. Explore the house (don’t open the double doors on the second floor!) and take note of the guards’ positions. Then systematically eliminate them all. Those who are alone in the room can be taken out with your trusty piano wire or knife (start from the top floor and work your way down); the two in the passageway can be taken out silently as well. Shoot the two in the back room. It’s usually a bad idea to use a very loud weapon since it’ll attract attention, but this time you *want* the guards outside to hear it. When they come in, kill them as well.

When you’re sure that there are no guards left alive, go to the second floor, take out your biggest baddest weapon (I would recommend the AK-47 you stole since it has over two hundred rounds) and open the double doors. Pablo is, of course, waiting for you inside with a submachine gun. He’s also obscenely high on cocaine, which causes him to feel no pain and turns him into a bit of a lunatic. Endure his insults and continue shooting him until he dies (it will take some time. Be patient!). When he does finally die, go to his table and pick up the bomb. Then walk over to his sorry corpse and pick up the letter from the Professor (who?).

Get out of the house and follow the road to the enclosure (it’s Northeast of the house). Go through the gate. Now that you are outside the lab, you have two options. Guarding the front entrance to the lab are about five or six guards; there are two guarding the back entrance. Short and sweet, or murder and mayhem? Whichever you pick, kill the guards and get into the lab. Kill the rest of the guards in the lab. Set the bomb on top of one of the boxes of explosives and get out of there FAST. You will have blown your cover by now, but it doesn’t really matter. Get a safe distance away from the lab and detonate the bomb, then run as fast as you can to the hangar, get into the plane and fly out of there.

NOTE: You will find a minigun in one of the surplus tents. Believe me, it’s not worth taking. It’s really cool and gives you more satisfaction driving bullets into people than a rifle, but it’s dead heavy and you won’t be able to run anywhere with it, which effectively makes you dead meat. If you have trouble dodging bullets after running out of the lab, you can hide in the mansion and shoot the guards outside from inside.


Mission 8: Traditions of the Trade

A world peace summit is about to be held at the Thermal Bath Hotel in Budapest. Unfortunately, the terrorist Frantz Fuchs has other plans – he intends to unleash a deadly chemical bomb at the conference, which will mean wiping out key world leaders. For the sake of making new contacts, you must kill Fuchs and then steal the bomb for your customer.

Suggested shopping list

This mission really sucks weapon-wise. You get a list of really nifty weapons, but thanks to the metal detectors they’ve installed all over the hotel, you can’t bring them in with you!

Fibre Wire ($110) or Knife ($65)
Blaser Jagdwaffen R93 Sniper ($1550)

Suggested course of action

Your driver will drop you right outside the hotel. Cross the road and retreat a safe distance from the main entrance (I would suggest the left side of the building). Assemble your sniper rifle and aim it at the two balconies on the right side of the building. You will see a bodyguard come out onto one of the balconies. Something tells me that he’s guarding someone *important*. Take him out with the rifle. Pack it back into its case and cross the road back to the hotel. Interestingly enough, the metal detectors won’t go off when you walk through them with a sniper rifle, but they will when you’re carrying any other sort!

Check in at the reception counter. You will notice that a certain Heinrich Wulff (Frantz’s pseudonym, if you’ve read the mission briefing) is staying in room 202. Turn right to go to the elevator, and take it up to the second floor. You will see a bodyguard standing outside room 202, which means you can’t go in through the door. But the room has a balcony, right? There is a cleaner vacuuming the room opposite. Go to the door and steal his master key, then let yourself into room 201. Go out to the balcony and – this is really sweet – jump onto the next balcony. Take the guard’s clothing (and his gun if you want) and go into the room. You will see a dressing table upon which are: a silenced pistol, a couple of letters, a room key and business card, and a Do Not Disturb sign. Take all of them. You may want to set your sniper rifle case down at this point. Go to the front door and hang the Do Not Disturb sign on the knob. Make sure nobody is milling about the corridor (watch out for the cleaner and the guards!). Strangle the guard outside and drag him into the room (make sure you close the door after you!). Thanks to the sign you have put on the door, you will have a bit of peace and quiet to execute your next part of the mission. Take out the silencer, open the bathroom door and shoot Frantz Fuchs, who is taking a shower.

Now that you’ve fulfilled your first part of the mission, go through the stuff you took from the table. Among them is a business card with the name Fritz Fuchs, dentist. Frantz’s brother perhaps? Pick up the bomb case. Take the room key and go to the reception desk and give it to the receptionist. He will give you two letters. One is from Fritz, and mentions that he has stashed the bomb in a safe place and brings the key everywhere with him. Make your way to the dentist’s office on the third floor. Since you are now carrying a gun, you had best stay away from the metal detectors, so stay away from the main stairs. When you get to the dentist’s office, approach the secretary and ask for Fritz. She will tell you that he is at one of three places: the casino, the restaurant or the sauna. Go find Fritz. If he is in the casino or the restaurant, wait until he has to use the bathroom, and then go in and kill him. If he’s at the sauna, go talk to him, and listen to him tell you about his heart condition. Then go outside and turn the steam all the way up. Boiled Fritz! Once he’s dead, go to the body and retrieve the X-ray room key.

You now have to go back to Fritz’s office. There are two ways of getting in. The first way is through the reception area – which means you have to shoot both the bodyguard and the secretary (she’s terribly annoying anyway. No great loss, although your pay will be docked). The second way is through the window on the roof on the third floor. Bear in mind that you will still have to shoot the bodyguard, so don’t leave your silencer behind. Go into the X-ray room and pack the bomb inside the bomb case. Make your way down to the first floor, and get out of the building as fast as you can. If you leave through the main exit, you’ll set off the metal detectors – but it doesn’t really matter if you’re going at a dead run. If you want to play it safe, leave through the back exit in the kitchen.

NOTE: Don’t want to spend so much money on a sniper rifle? Go to the second floor and steal the master key. Then let yourself into the Authorised Personnel Only rooms. There’s bound to be one with a cleaner’s uniform. Put that on and go back to room 202. Tell the guard that you have clean towels for Mr. Fuchs, and he will let you in. Once inside, take out the guard on the balcony and the one outside the door (remember that Do Not Disturb sign!), and then kill Frantz.

NOTE: One of the two letters the receptionist gives you is from the florist on the second floor, informing you that the roses you (or rather, Frantz) have ordered have arrived. If you bring the letter to the florist, he will give you a large cardboard flower box containing a shotgun. Getting it is a waste of time, of course – the minute you take it out, the hotel guards will come right after you.


The Russian gunrunner Arkadij Jegorov (aka Boris) has a couple of nuclear warheads and their blueprints, which he intends to sell to a crooked dictator. A weapon like that in the wrong hands would spell devastation for the rest of the world. The police have failed to locate Boris’ ship. Now it’s up to you to make sure hell doesn’t break loose.

Gunrunners' Paradise

Plutonium Runs Loose


Something is seriously wrong. It seems that Lee Hong, Pablo Belisario Ochoa, Frantz Fuchs and Boris Jegorov were all in the French Foreign Legion together. Could it be coincidence that they all wound up on a hit list? Not bloody likely. It seems that the contracts to kill these men were put out by one and the same client - who now wants you to go after a certain Dr. Kovacs in Romania. The Agency isn't all too happy about this, but then again, you're receiving a staggering sum of $100,000 for this hit.

The Setup

Say Hello to Your Brother

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