Black January-The tragedy that will never be forgotten.
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Black January of 1990
from Azerbaijan Online
    On the night from January 19 to 20, 1990 Soviet troops entered the capital of Azerbaijan-Baku to strangle independence movement. No warning had been made and many people being unaware were demonstrating in the streets and squares. Some of them were with the members of their family too. People demanded end of opression and independence from agonizing Soviet Empire. As soon as Soviet troops entered the city they began to shoot to every moving object and to the buildings nearby. Their atrocities had no limits...
     Presently the official statistics are 121 killed and 700 injured,among them women, old and even children; shot, squeezed under the tanks and even burned to hide the atrocities.
    The Soviet invasion didn't achieve it's aims. The Azeri people faced the tragedy bravely. After the tragedy many people publicly burned their Communist party cards and despite the state of emergency imposed by Moscow a million-strong crowd followed the funeral procession.
   Today the victims of Black January repose in Martyr's Alley in Baku.
   They were among the first to die for freedom and they will never be forgotten...
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Visit the official Site dedicated to the victims of Black January tragedy.
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