Multicolor Cube

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Problem: starting from the standard position of the Rubik's Cube (one color for each face), is it possible to reach a complete disorder (six colors on each face, appearing on each face from one to two times) ?


The problem appears in the book about the Rubik's Cube by A. Warusfel, 1981.

The solutions given in the book are imperfect.



The six faces of the cube: up, down, left, right, front, back.
90° clockwise moves of the faces are described as U, D, L, R, F, B
90° anti-clockwise moves are described as U', D', L', R', F', B'
180° turns are described as U2, D2 , L2, R2, F2, B2

18/04/2002 solution : a scrambled cube in nine moves :



R D2 U2 L R D' U' L R2

Multicolor Cube (3)


six colors on each face, they appear on each face no more than two times,

and stickers of the same colour touch themselves by vertices only.


solution : Alessandro Fogliati

If you perform the movement four times, you obtain the standard position.

historical notes:

23/03/2002 : Multicolor Cube (2) : R D2 U2 L R D U L' R' F2 B2 R2 F2 B2

six colors on each face, they appear on each face no more than two times, and stickers of the same colour touch themselves by vertices only. (14 moves)

solution: Alessandro Fogliati : picture

29/07/1993 : Multicolor Cube (1) : R D2 U2 L R D U L' R'

six colors on each face, they appear on each face no more than two times.

solution: Alessandro Fogliati : picture





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