Played by Clare Kramer (Bring it On, Ropewalk)

"We're in the New World now so please, for God's sake, speak American!"

"Glory" is a god driven into this world by her the people from her dimension. 

No Place Like Home
I was Made to Love You
Tough Love
The Weight of the World
The Gift

Bad Girl

No Place Like Home Two monks are running for their life afraid of something.  They are concerned about protecting a key from it.  The perform a ritual when the door shatters.
Two months later, in Sunnydale, at a factory, a monk is doing a ritual obviously for protection.  The steel door to the factory shatters and Glory enters.  The Monk calls her "the beast"
Glory has the monk tied to a chair and is torturing him.  She wants to know where the key is  She complains that she hates being trapped in his body, in this world.  The monk refuses to tell her where the key is.   There is also a security guard in the room.  When he pleas for his life, Glory ignores him.  Her hands become transparent and she puts them through his head.  Glory seems refreshed after doing that.  The guard goes crazy. 
Buffy enters the factory trying to find clues about an orb she found there earlier.  Buffy sees the monk.  The monk warns her about Glory. Glory creeps up behind her.  Buffy grabs Glory by the throat.  But Glory pulls Buffy off and throws her into a wall with great force.  Glory and Buffy fight, but it's obvious that Glory is much stronger.  Buffy realizing she can't win, grabs the monk and runs.  When Buffy escapes, Glory can't go after her because one of her heels is broken. She gets angry and in a fit of rage brings the building down around her. 
The Monk tells Buffy that the key Glory wants is in the form of her sister. 
Family Glory escapes from the building that collapsed on her and seems pissed. 
Glory asks for a favor from a A Lei-Ach demon. She wants him to seek out Buffy. The demons fail. 
Glory is being waited on by one of her servants Dreg.  She asks Dreg to call her Glory.  She talks to him about a Spell she wants to perform that will find her the key.  She needs some Magickal items in order to do the spell.  She spies an ad for Giles' store.  Glory enters Giles' store and buys the items without suspicion (only Anya realizes what she bought later). 
Glory is at the Sunnydale Zoo.  She does a spell on a snake.  Before they can finish Buffy comes in and hits her.  The two fight again and Glory bests her again.  Dreg finishes the spell and the snake is transformed into a snake demon.  Glory sends the demon to find the key and tell her where it is.  The snake finds Dawn at the Magic Box, but before it can return to Glory, Buffy kills it. 
Checkpoint Glory is in her apartment looking weak. Her minions come in with a mail carrier.  Glory sucks the carrier's brain and is restored.  Glory warns them not to cut it so close next time.  The minions apologize.   The minions tell her she must use the key as soon as possible. Glory believes that Buffy has the key. 
Jinx (Glory's minion) enters.  He is beaten up (By Ben as a message for Glory).  Jinx tells Glory that Ben isn't going to help. Glory is frustrated because all Ben has to do is turn over Buffy.  Glory decides she will find Buffy herself. 
Buffy comes home and finds Glory waiting for her in her house.  Glory demands that Buffy tell her where the key is.  Buffy tries to motion Dawn to leave, but Glory catches her.  She tells Dawn that Buffy better give her the key. Glory lets Dawn go and tells Buffy that if she doesn't give her the key, she'll kill her mom and everyone she cares about. 
At the end of the episode, the watchers tell Buffy that Glory is a god. 
Blood Ties The Knights of Byzantium are trying to kill Glory's minions, before they can finish, Glory appears and kills all the knights but one. 
At her place, Glory interrogates the knight Orlando.  She wants to know where the key is.  Orlando does not know.  Glory thinks about killing him. Instead she sucks his brain. 
When Dawn goes to the hospital to find out what she is, she runs into Ben.  They talk and Ben learns that Dawn is the key.  Ben suddenly gets horrified and orders Dawn out.  Dawn is confused and doesn't move.  Ben turns into Glory. 
Glory changes into something more her style from one of the lockers.  Dawn thinks about escaping, but Glory says she would never make it to the door.   When a guard enters, Glory breaks his neck.  Glory threatens Dawn.  She wants to know where Buffy is hiding the key.  Glory explains that the key has been around a long time. Not as long as her though.  When Glory thinks that Dawn has no clue where the key is, she intends to suck Dawn's brain.  Before that could happen, the scoobies burst in.  Buffy and Spike attack Glory while Giles and Xander use weapons.  Glory easily takes on all of them, but Willow does a spell on Glory who disappears. 
She reappears several hundred feet above Sunnydale, then falls to the ground.
I was Made to Love you Glory appears only briefly in the this episode.  When Buffy leaves a message on Ben/Glory's answering machine, Glory believes Ben is working against her.  Then she gets upset that Buffy broke the date. 
Intervention Glory is complaining to her minions that Ben is getting stronger and harder to control. She tells them that time is running out and since she now knows the key is a human, she tells her minions to watch Buffy and see who's new in her life. 
The Minions bring Glory Spike who they have mistaken as the key. Glory chastises them when she realizes he's a vampire. The minions explained that Buffy protected Spike. Glory gets curious and wants to know why. Glory begins to torture him to learn. After she tortures him a little, Spike tells her the key is Bob Barker. Spike gets Glory angry enough, that she kicks him free. After Glory's minions tangle with Buffy, they come back to Glory empty handed. She is not pleased. 
Tough Love In the hospital, Ben has been fired, he tried to fight Glory, but she retakes his body. 
Glory is taking a bath while her minions are blindfolded. She complains about the dimension she's trapped in. She asks her minions to tell her everything they saw. 
A little while later, Glory thinks she has figured out who the key is. She leaves to go get it. 
Tara is sitting on a park bench, she feels a hand around hers. She thinks it's Willow, but when she turns, she's horrified to discovers it's Glory. Glory cracks Tara's wrist. She says she will kill everyone if Tara cries out. Glory digs her nails into Tara's hands to draw blood. When she tastes the blood, she learns that Tara isn't the key. She offers to let Tara go if she tells her who the key is. When Tara's refuses Glory sucks her brain. 
Later, Willow enters Glory's apartment and attacks her. She seems to have done the most damage to Glory so far. Glory and Willow fight with Glory winning. When Glory is about to deliver a fatal blow, Buffy heeds off the attack. Willow does a spell to temporarily stop Glory and Willow and Buffy escape 
Willow, Dawn, Tara and Buffy are in Tara's room when Glory rips open one of the walls. She tells Buffy this isn't over. At that moment, Tara looks at Dawn and talks about how she is green light and Glory knows who the key is.
Spiral After Learning Dawn is the key, Glory takes off after Buffy and Dawn. She is temporary stopped by Willow, a truck and Ben who has retaken his body. 
Later, after a run-in with the knights. They allow Buffy to call a doctor for Giles. Unfortunately, that Doctor is Ben. Ben morphs in Glory and steals Dawn. 
Weight of the World Glory is doing the preparations for the ritual to return her back home. Glory takes to Dawn. Dawn tells her she wants to go home. Glory explains she will, but not to Sunnydale. Glory reveals that she is starting to having feelings that she is not supposed to have such as guilt. This has to do with her merging more with Ben, but Glory believes it's a spell done by Dawn. She however insists that the ritual will go on as planned. 
Glory is starting to get Ben's memories and it's bothering her. She also notices that Dawn knows that Glory is also Ben. She demands to her minions that they get Ben out of her. She morphs into Ben, then turns back to Glory. Glory is weakened by the change, but the minions cannot help her. She tries to choke Dawn, but the minions stop her. 
Glory turns into Ben and helps Dawn escape. Dawn tries to lose Ben, but he turns back into Glory. Glory and Ben 'argue' with each other (Wonderful scene where they go back and forth). Glory manages to convince Ben to turn Dawn over. 
The Gift Ben is talking to Dawn who demands that Glory be there. Glory appears. Glory explains that Ben just wants to live. Dawn tells Glory that Buffy will save her, but Glory replies that she hasn't seen Buffy show up yet. She tries to convince Dawn, Buffy isn't coming because it would be better if Dawn just die otherwise the gate will stay open. 
Tara shows up to the ritual area. When Glory nabs her, Willow comes along and does a 'spell' on Glory. She steals energy from Glory and gives it back to Tara. All three women go flying. Glory is weakened by the attack. Glory is even more weakened when she meets up with Buffy. Buffy reveals she has the Dagon sphere. Glory is alarmed at seeing it. Buffy throws the sphere at Glory who catches it. It weakens her more and then she crushes it. Glory and Buffy fight.   However, Glory kicks Buffy in the head and her head flies off, revealing that Glory was really fighting the Buffy-bot. Glory is distracted. She is called by the real Buffy who hits her with the troll hammer. (the one they obtained in Triangle) Dawn calls out for Buffy. Buffy rushes up the tower to save her sister, but Glory goes after her. The two fight on the tower and it results in them both falling off. Glory taunts Buffy that she lost her hammer, but then Xander breaks through and hits Glory with a wreaking ball. Buffy finds the hammer and hits Glory repeatedly with it. She stops with Glory morphs into Ben. Ben promises Glory will never go near Buffy or Dawn ever. After Buffy leaves, Giles comes over to Ben and suffocates him, therefore killing Glory. Unfortunately, Glory's minion, Doc, has already started to bleed Dawn and Buffy who shares the same blood as Dawn, sacrifices herself to close the gate. 
Clare Kramer/Glory Links Clare Kramer links
IMDB Entry
Claire Kramer Online
Trivia and Appearances Glory has appeared on 11 episodes on Buffy. 

Trivia: Glory doesn't change clothes when she morphs into Ben. 

Just how bad is Glory What's the worst thing Glory has done? Glory sucked the brain of Tara leaving her crazy.

What else has Glory done? Glory drives people crazy. 

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