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About Animorphs
We can't tell you who we are. Or where we live. It's too risky, and we've got to be careful. Really careful. So we don't trust anyone. Because if they find us... well, we just won't let them find us.

The thing you should know is that everyone is in really big trouble. Yeah. Even you.


Aximili, Jake, Marco, Tobias, Cassie, Rachel, Erik, Visser Three...

Originally, when KA started Animorphs, she was concerned that one day there would be a TV show based on the series. She knew we'd be seeing a lot of Ax, so she went the Star Trek route and made Andalites a fairly standard E.T. kind of alien. KA thought that would make it easier to handle the special effects down the road. Then her editors wrote back and said "boring!" So KA thought, 'Okay, fine, you want to imply I don't have imagination? Hah! I'm going to give you an alien like nothing anyone's ever seen before.'


KA Applegate
Year born: 1956
State of birth: Michigan
Interest: traveling, reading, writing and gardening
Pets: 2 cats
When she was a kid: she always wanted to be a writer. The jobs she had before she became a writer were typing, waiting tables, and taking care of plants.

Write to her:

K.A. Applegate
c/o Scholastic
555 Broadway
New York, N.Y. 10012

[email protected]


Thanks for the Official Animorphs page, Morphz, Barnes and Noble and Discovery Channel for some of the info above. *If you use any information in this site, please credit me and link back here.

Disclaimer: I'm in no way related to Scholastic or KA Applegate.

ANIMORPHS and associated logos ?996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Scholastic Inc. ANIMORPHS and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.


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The Books
  1. The Invasion
  2. The Visitor
  3. The Encounter
  4. The Message
  5. The Predator
  6. The Capture
  7. The Stranger
  8. The Alien
  9. The Secret
  10. The Android
  11. The Forgotten
  12. The Reaction
  13. The Change
  14. The Unknown
  15. The Escape
  16. The Warning
  17. The Underground
  18. The Decision
  19. The Departure
  20. The Discovery
  21. The Threat
  22. The Solution
  23. The Pretender
  24. The Suspicion
  25. The Extreme
  26. The Attack
  27. The Exposed
  28. The Experiment
  29. The Sickness
  30. The Reunion
  31. The Conspiracy
  32. The Separation
  33. The Illusion
  34. The Prophecy
  35. The Proposal
  36. The Mutation
  37. The Weakness
  38. The Arrival
  39. The Hidden
  40. The Other


  1. The Andalite's Gift
  2. In the Time of Dinosaurs
  3. Elfangor's Secret


  1. The Andalite Chronicles
  2. The Hork-Bajir Chronicles
  3. The Visser Chronicles
  4. The Ellimist Chronicles


  • The First Journey
  • The Next Passage


  1. Meet the Stars of Animorphs

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