g o n d e r

 Map of Ethiopia

Gonder is known as Ethiopia's Camelot...take a look to find out why.

We found it hard to take a bad picture; see if you agree!

Karen in front of the Chancellery

We begin here near the main entrance to the Royal Enclosure, with Karen in front of the Chancellery.


The library, located nearby.

 Iyasu's Palace

And Iyasu's Palace, built towards the end of the 17th century; it has a vaulted ceiling, and was sumptuously decorated in its heyday.

 Through an arch

 We loved the architecture

 The view from the top

From the top of Iyasu's Palace.

 Marc at the top of Iyasu's Palace

Marc looking scenic...

 Another arch

 Yet another archway

If you wonder what we give our moms for Mother's Day, it's cheesy pictures like this!


Eighty Ethiopian cherubs, each with a slighly different expression, decorate the ceiling of the Debre Berhan Selassi Church.


BTW, bad guys are seen in profile.

 Fasiladas' Bath

This sunken bath plays a big part in the baptism ceremony during Timkat.


Roots are taking over the walls surrounding Fasiladas' Bath.

In the left margin is the image of a basket we found there.


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