a x u m

Ancient Stelae and Current Sights

Axum (or Aksum) was the center of an extensive empire, beginning around the 1st century AD and lasting until well into the 4th. The town of Axum is "modest to a fault" (Lonely Planet guidebook), in other words relatively undeveloped, especially for a site of such importance, a place that was once the height of civilization in north-eastern Africa.

Fast forward to the present day . . .

This first photo shows what most people who come to Axum these days first look for: the great Northern Stelae Park.

 Northern Stelae Field

The one towering over all others is King Ezana's stele, the tallest one still standing at Axum. To the left, the massive Great Stelae, is by far the largest (33m), yet is now believed to actually never having stood at all, instead collapsing during the disastrous attempt to erect it, in the 4th century.

 King Ezana's Stele, and a few others

King Ezana's Stele (24 meters, or about 79 feet) never fails to impress.

 Looking up at King Ezana's Stele

Looking up at King Ezana's Stele.

 The Great Stele at Aksum

Another view of the Great Stele...look closely, and you'll see Marc standing behind the stele, giving a bit of scale.

 Traffic jam, Axum style

Heavy traffic in Axum, outside the Northern Stelae Park.

 Axum pickup truck

Axum pickup truck.

 Girl at the Queen of Sheba's Bath

This young girl wanted Marc to take her picture... something we never refuse!

Ok, that's all for Axum . . .

For information about the so-called Rome Stele, go a BBC article about it:
New snag slows obelisk's return (from February 12, 2004).

NEWS UPDATE!! April 20, 2005: The Rome Stele is headed back to Axum! See Obelisk arrives back in Ethiopia for more information. Apparently it's the largest item ever moved by airplane, even though it's in 3 pieces!


[ H O M E ]

Last updated April 20, 2005.

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