Ethan's Portfolio

Nice To Meet You!
I Am Ethan

an aspiring Information Technology major. I enjoy coding and anything to do with using computer programs or physical hardware. I am nineteen years old and have been involved with Technology since I was eight years old. My first computer was an HP desktop made in 2004. This computer is what I used to learn many things about computers from how to use windows to how each hardware in a computer functions and effects a computers work. I have taken apart and put together many computers since I got my first Computer. I started coding in my freshman year of highschool learning python. I have created several games for projects in my classes including frogger and pong. I also created a game in my Freshman year of highschool as a group project called shattersplinx there will be more on this in the Projects page. I aspired to learn more about technology as much as I can no matter what it is about as long as technology is involved. I find I am able to complete projects and tasks on time meeting the demand I was given on the assignment. I enojy working in groups and feel that I am able to make a comfortable enviroment for those who I work for and work with to make everyone enjoy what they are working on even if it is a high stress situtaion. Also, I have good communication skills with customers to give the best experience for each person who enters your establishment even if they do not know much about the request or questions they have. I recommened that your vistit the projects page to find out what I am capable of and if I would be a good fit for your establishment.