Just about everyone gets enlarged pores. That's because pores are actually tiny openings in the skin that provide a way for the oil glands underneath to lubricate and protect the surface of your skin.
Pores enlarge during puberty, when oil glands in your skin begin to increase the amount of oil that they pump through your pores. the pores get bigger to handle the increased output. They stay enlarged until somewhere around menopause, When they shrink into the perfect, totally unnoticeable size that you have always wanted. Keep your face clean and resist the urge to pick at enlarged pores and blemishes... this will prevent pores from becoming irritated and more noticeable.
FILS FAST FACT....  Many people don't rinse throughly enough. Soap or cleanser residue can irritate or block pores. Use warm water not hot and forget the cold water splash myth to " close your pores". Pores don't open and close when wanted.
Shrink,Fill,Cover...  You are most likely to notice enlarged pores around your nose, because that area has more oil glands per square inch than any other part of your body. But it is still possible to minimize their appearance. Models have enlarged pores too.. they just know how to hide them. Heres what I suggest...

Reach for the right skin cream...  After washing your face, smooth a lotion containg alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) over your skin to peel away old skin cells that build up around your pores. The AHAs are fruit and milk acids that encourage older cells to peel off, leaving younger, smoother skin underneath. Use AHAs that are 10% glycolic acid.

Keep facial tools clean..  Always keep your facial sponges or cosmetics brushes cleaned after use to prevent any build up of bacteria on your brush and on your skin. your pores intake makeup and bacteria appearing larger.
If your enlarged pores are accompanied by stubborn acne that does not respond to at home remedies, contact a dermatologist. They can prescribe medications such as antibiotics or tretinoin (Retin-A).
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