Technical Term: Acne is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the skin. It appears in many          different types, such as non contagious pimples to deep seated skin conditions.
Some women get an occasional pimple where others experience frequent pimples, blackheads and whiteheads beginning in puberty. Some women notice that acne flares up at the time of ovulation and fades after the menstrual period begins.
   The women who is most likely to get acne generally has both overproducing oil glands and cells that line the pores causing them to clog. These two problems work together to trap bacteria on the skin. The result is chronic appearances of whiteheads (also called closed comedones), blackheads (open comedones), and pimples
   It can be serious for men as well but it is most common in adolescent boys.

  A Day-and-Night Regimen. The following steps can help control mild to moderate acne and keep zits from returning................

Wash with benzoyl peroxide liquid.  To reduce bacteria that can cause acne, gently wash your face with a benzoyl peroxide cleanser or a mild salicylic acid liquid every morning.
   If you also break out on your back and chest, use the liquid to wash these areas as well.

Apply glycolic acid.  Pat your face completely dry, then smooth on a gel, cream or lotion containing 8% glycolic acid over your entire face. Its available at any drugstore with a variety of name brands. This prevents the clogged pores of acne by preventing cells from piling up on the skin and blocking pores.

Add OTC medication.  After a week use medication containing benzoyl peroxide to kill any bacteria. For sensitive or dry skin start with a 5% solution of BP medication  and dab it on problem areas after you have washed your face. If your skin is oily, start with a 10% solution and spread it over your entire face (avoid eye region).

Use a oil-free moisturizer.  There is a small group of women who have oily skin only on their foreheads and noses, while their cheeks and jaws are actually dry. These women should apply an oil-free moisturizer to the dry areas of the face.

Look for oil-free makeup. If you wear makeup, use only oil-free products that are labeled "noncomedogenic" so that they won't clog your pores.
  Don't Squeeze.  In plain english, keep your hands off any pimple, blackhead or whitehead that appears on your face. You'll only make the area more inflamed and the bump larger.
If you take birth control pills and develop acne before your menstrual periods, consult your doctor. She may be able to adjust the combination of estrogen and progesterone in your pills. You may also want to consider seeing a doctor if the acne is severe.
This shows small acne pustules with surrounding inflammation.
This shows 4-6 millimetre red pustules that may develop into scarring.
Cystic acne is the most severe form of acne. Pustules and hard red bumps are present in the skin.
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