Call 1-888-395-0330 / 1-800-626-0664 for help in choosing the Allerair & Electrocorp air filtration system, air purifier,  cleaner, scrubber for your needs
we're your source for genuine Allerair replacement filters and parts

Allerair & Electrocorp Air Filtration System Air Purifier Cleaner Scrubber HEPA Activated Charcoal Carbon UV Light

Allerair & Electrocorp Air Filtration System Air Purifier Cleaner Scrubber HEPA Activated Charcoal Carbon UV Light

Allerair Air Purifier Air Cleaner Air Filtration System- Equipped with HEPA filter, Activated Charcoal / Carbon filter, Optional UV Light

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Allerair home & office air filtration systems, dust, odor, chemical, particle control, filtration Electrocorp industrial & commercial air filtration, air scrubber, air cleaner, dust, molds, chemical, fumes, gas, odor control, removal, filtration

Versatile, Multiple Purpose Allerair Air Filtration System, Air Cleaner, Purifier, Scrubber
Combining tried, tested, proven filter / filtration media
HEPA, Activated Charcoal / Carbon, UV Light (available option)

Call 1-800-626-0664 for help in choosing the right model Allerair system

From Ocala, Florida- Uses less power than my Honeywell

To whom it may concern,

After buying a Honeywell air cleaner, I did some research and found out that it has nearly twice the power consumption of an Allerair 4000.  

I wondered why the company doesn't widely publicize the power consumption of its units.Allerair 4000 series executive air filtration system, HEPA filter, activated charcoal, carbon media, odor, gas, fumes, chemical control, dust, pollen, molds, filtration

I read about the Allerair 4000 and figured that I could save much more money in the long run.  After receiving the Allerair 4000, I discovered that it not only uses less power than my Honeywell, but is also more powerful and effective!

The air coming out of the unit smells crisper and fresher than with my Honeywell and the electric meter turns at a slower rate.  I wish I knew about Allerair cleaners before wasting my money on a Honeywell air cleaner.

There's no reason for me to doubt that Allerair air cleaners are the best on the market.


Ocala, Florida

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From Spartanburg, SC- I won't leave home without my air cleaner!

Dear Mr. Teitelbaum:

I am writing to confirm my order for the carbon filter and the prefilters for my Allertech air cleaner. I look forward to receiving them shortly.

I addition, I wish to convey to you  how very much I like your air cleaner! It runs constantly in my bedroom, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, on the highest speed. We have a fairly large room with a twelve foot ceiling and an adjoining bathroom. This area is my sanctuary from all the pollutants in the air.

In South Carolina, we have an extremely long allergy season. Normally our trees start pollinating in February, and then the outdoor trouble begins! It doesn't end until our first several frosts have managed to make the pollens go dormant and killed the extremely high numbers of mold spores that float around from May until the winter. As I write this, we have yet to have had a killing frost this year. South Carolina is a beautiful state, we are in the Piedmont area and close to the mountains. We are also only four hours from the coast. But, those of us who are allergy prone pay a considerable price when it comes to the health problems that allergies are responsible for!

In the year that I have my Allertech cleaner, it has made every overnight trip with me. I might leave home overnight without my Visa or MasterCard, but I won't leave home without my air cleaner! The additional benefit I derive from it is the "white noise" it provides for sleeping. I close my door, wherever I may be, and sleep like a baby, no matter what noises are happening in the vicinity.

I enjoyed speaking with you the other day, and look forward to many years of service from your wonderful product.


Lee W.

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From A Daycare (Day Care) Center- Montreal- major improvement in the health of the care giving personnel

To whom it may concern:

When we decided to improve the air quality in our day care, we purchased an Allertech air purifier on the advice of (a) personnel at the Lung Association.Allerair AirMedic series air filtration system, DOP tested Hepa filter, activated charcoal, carbon media, dust, airborne particle, chemical fumes, odor, gas control, removal, reduction, filtration

There was such a major improvement in the health of the care giving personnel as well as the children at the center, the directors decided to buy 8 more units. (One for each class) 

We are more than completely satisfied with the results of these purifiers and would highly recommend these units to anyone with children in their charge.

If you are interested in improving the health of the children and the productivity of your personnel at your center, call me for more information.

Suzanne L.

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From South Chatham, MA- extremely quiet, attractive and quite obviously sturdy


Several months ago I started looking for an air purifier. I used the World Wide Web for most of my information and I spent nights reviewing the options I found. Several companies and organizations were represented on many web sites but yours was, without any question, the most complete.

One of the issues that caused me to replace the unit I had was noise level. Although the old unit was listed as "extremely quiet" it did, in fact, interfere with my enjoyment of music. I did not consider turning it off as a valid option.

You may not be the only company that publishes its noise level (in decibels) but you were the only one I found. I talked to your representative and I was impressed with your company's willingness to share information.

About a month ago I received the Allertech 4000 that I had ordered and it certainly lives up to its billing. It is extremely quiet, attractive and quite obviously sturdy. Although I have not put a cushion on it and used as a hassock, I believe that I could.

Thank you for producing a product that lives up to the expectations generated from your advertising. I know that it's quiet and I assume that  bad little things are getting trapped inside.

If ever (I) need another purifier I will certainly put you at the top of my list. 


Hill G.

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From Someone Taking Prescription Allergy Medication At Night To Relieve Sinus Drainage

Dear Sam:Allerair home & office air filtration system, air cleaner, purifier, scrubber, hepa filter, activated charcoal filter, allergy, dust, mites, pollen and other airborne pollutants

Before purchasing your air cleaner, I was taking prescription allergy medication at bedtime to relieve sinus drainage. Since operating your  Model 4000 at night with the bedroom doors closed, I have found that I can forego the medication entirely. The air must be so free of dust mite allergens that I can sleep better without the drug. Waking up this refreshed is well worth the cost. Thank you!


Richard R.

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Use in a in vitro fertilization program (lab)

Yes we have two of the Aller Air units.

We use the units in a in vitro fertilization program and need to filter out biological particular, and odors (airborne organics). We routinely test the lab for biological contaminates (bacteria) using culture techniques and particulate materials by microscopy examination. While we do not test for airborne organics per se, their effect on culture of our embryos would be readily apparent if there was a problem.I-6500 series, HEPA filter, activated charcoal, carbon, IVF, fertility lab, clinic, chemical, fumes, gas, odor, voc, organic, inorganic compound control, removal, filtration

Since we started using the units we have had no problems with airborne organic interference with culture and have had no positive tests for bacterial contaminates. While we still have minor dust problems (which comes from our house air supply) they have been greatly reduced by having the freestanding filtration units in the room (I would estimate 80 - 90% reduction).

So, yes, overall we are extremely pleased with the units and have no problems recommending them to others.

Dr. Samuel Prien
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX

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4000 VOCARB for my workplace and it is GREAT!

I recently received the 4000 VOCARB for my workplace and it is GREAT!  

It has helped tremendously with not only the dust here in the desert southwest, but the constant use of chemical cleaning agents used around my job.  

I have been looking at the 4000 HT for home use, but I have a question.  I notice it is a "HEPA type" filter.  What is the difference between "True HEPA" and "HEPA type?"  Thank you for your attention, not to mention your product. 


D.M.D., AZ

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Call 1-800-626-0664 for help in choosing the right model, shipped direct from the factory

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last updated: January 27, 2009

Allerair & Electrocorp Air Filtration System Air Purifier Cleaner Scrubber HEPA Activated Charcoal Carbon UV Light

Call 1-888-395-0330 / 1-800-626-0664 for help in choosing the Allerair & Electrocorp air filtration system, air purifier,  cleaner, scrubber for your needs
we're your source for genuine Allerair replacement filters and parts

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