Proven Filter Technology- HEPA, Activated Charcoal, Carbon, UV Light Air Filtration System

Call 1-888-395-0330 / 1-800-626-0664 for help in choosing the right air filtration system, air purifier, air cleaner, air scrubber for your needs we're your source for genuine Allerair & Electrocorp replacement filters and parts

HEPA Activated Charcoal Carbon UV Light Air Filtration System

Proven Filter Technology- HEPA, Activated Charcoal, Carbon, UV Light Air Filtration System

Call 1-888-395-0330 / 1-800-626-0664 for help in choosing the right air filtration system, air purifier, air cleaner, air scrubber for your needs we're your source for genuine Allerair  & Electrocorp replacement filters and parts

air purifier air cleaner air scrubber air filtration systems

HEPA filter, Activated charcoal / carbon filter, UV light, and more

Filter Technology FeaturesAllerair AirMedic air filtration, clinic, daycare, medical, laboratory, odor, chemical, particle filtration

    traps microscopic dust which can give you distress from allergies, asthma, and respiratory problems. This material was developed for the Atomic Energy Commission to protect their scientists from radio active dust particles. 
    | High Efficiency Filtration System |Electrocorp RSU series air filtration, chemical, odor, particle, dust filtration, office, commercial, industrial, institutional
  • V.O.C. ADSORPTION SYSTEM- OPTIONAL- Up to  47 pounds of Activated Carbon
    Most other air purifiers, air cleaners and air scrubbers are not effective in removing harmful gases and are only designed for particle reduction. The Allerair Furnace, Whole House (whole house) unit (by-pass air filtration system) is a premium chemical, odor, and gas adsorption system that contains up to 50 times the odor, gases, and chemicals adsorbing media of other typical air cleaners. 
    | Power of Activated Carbon |
    Made of extra dense media to capture large dust particles. Filter can be easily replaced at minimal cost or vacuum cleaned monthly. 
    | Replacement Filters |Electrocorp FumeExtractor, welding, soldering, source capture, fumes, chemical, odor, dust, particle filtration
  • UV (Ultra Violet) Light
    Ultraviolet light (UV) is a natural disinfectant. It disinfects by disrupting the DNA strands of micro organisms, preventing them from replicating. A microorganism that can't reproduce simply dies. 
    | More info on the UV light feature option |

 | Construction | Used in health care institutions | Other notes of interest | Good looks | Easy maintenance |


Call 1-888-395-0330 / 1-800-626-0664 for help in choosing the right air filtration system, air purifier, air cleaner, air scrubber for your needs we're your source for genuine Allerair & Electrocorp replacement filters and parts

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� 1996-2008 Produits D'Air Espitech, SENC ( Espitech Air Products) All Rights Reserved. All pages and their content are provided as information only. This is not a substitute for medical care or your doctor's attention. Please seek the advice of your doctor. Produits D'Air Espitech, SENC ( Espitech Air Products) presents this data as is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied. It is impossible to cover every eventuality in any answer, which makes direct contact with your health care provider imperative. Information presented at Produits D'Air Espitech, SENC ( Espitech Air Products) Sites is for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Use of this online service is subject to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions.

Last updated: January 27, 2009

Call 1-888-395-0330 / 1-800-626-0664 for help in choosing the right air filtration system, air purifier, air cleaner, air scrubber for your needs
we're your source for genuine Allerair & Electrocorp replacement filters and parts

Proven Filter Technology- HEPA, Activated Charcoal, Carbon, UV Light Air Filtration System

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