Departamento de la Defensa de Eslo
Eslonian Infantry Division 23
Eslonian Tank
The Government of Eslo has denounced terrorism.  However, is there a possibility of micronational terrorism?
If so, the Government of Eslo is prepared to participate in an initiative of the League of Micronations to monitor terrorist activites.
The Military Service of Eslo will remain alert and follow the advice of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Royal Place when it comes to terrorism.  Click
here to find out more.
The Department of Defense of Eslo welcomes you to the web site for the General Department of Defense. Here you will find the links to the Army, Navy, and Air Force.  These are organisms that the Department of Defense manages and funds. 
Since Eslo is a micronation, we do not have the actual tanks as pictured above, but do participate in mock projects such as paintball and captur the flag.
On the intellectual level, military policy is planned and executed by the Department of Defense.
Our duties to the Republic of Eslo are as follows:
* Safeguard the sovereignty of Eslonian territory
* Establish missions to suprevise environmental preservation
* Give help in the event of a national or regional disaster
* Execute the Eslonian policies against drug trafic
* Keep foreign vessels out of Eslonian air space, land, and marine territory
* Fight and win war in the event of a dispute
* Train all members of the Army, Air Force, and Navy to be competent military personell.
* Execute landmine de-mining operations in other countries upon reuqest
* Remain at the service of the Royal Executive Power awaiting domestic or international deployment
* Safegueard electronic property of Eslo through intelligence resources
* Report on a monthly basis to the Senate of Eslo
* Maintain the interest of peace in mind at all times
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