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                            He laughed to me when he heard that I couldn’t operate a hand phone. I was so shy to him,

                            but I tried to force him to teach me about a hand phone. He told me that hand phone has many functions,

                            not only for calling and sending a message, but also recording a voice, listening music, taking some pictures,

                            playing games, and listening radio. But, the first thing that he taught me was about how to do a recording.

                            Firstly, he taught me how to open the key, and then open the main menu, choose gallery, and open a recording.

                            If you want to start the recording you can push  start button, but if you want to  pause you can push pause button.

                            Finally, I knew how to record a voice, and since that time I liked to record my voice in that phone. I was so proud

                            because I can operate the hand phone, calling and sending a message were the next things that he taught to me

                            even though it was hard, because I should remembered all the steps that he said. And I knew how to use it.


                           On the following week, I saw most of my friends have their own hand phone, I felt so jealous to them,

                           because I couldn’t have the thing that they have. I felt interested to have my own hand phone, and I

                           asked my mother to buy a hand phone for me. But, my mother said that she didn’t have enough money

                           to buy it, I was so disappointed by this situation, when I should be patience for waiting something.

                           However, I realized that I came from a poor family that has low economy. I knew that I should accepted

                           all of the things that I have now. On the following day, My mother  gave me a challenge to get a hand 

                           phone. “If you can be the first rank in your school, I will give  you a hand phone, I promised” My mother

                          said to me.“Really? I will do my best to get that hand phone, I will prove it to you, mom!” I answered.

                          I was so happy when I heard that challenge, but I didn’t know how to prove it, because I have so many

                          competitors in my school. I was so afraid that I couldn’t do it,I have to do my best by giving 100% effort,

                          because I have promised to my mother that I will prove it.


                         The examination was very soon, but I didn’t have any preparation yet. Learning, studying, and praying

                         are the best  way that I could do. I have  to force my self to study hard, I have to force my self to didn’t

                         play games, and I have to pray to god to make my ambition become true.


                        One month later, the examination has passed.  That day was the time for me to wait for the result of my

                        report, I was so nervous because I have to wait my mother go out from the class until the report has

                        given by the teacher in the classroom. I would see a smile on her face when she saw my report, I want to

                        make my mother proud of me. Finally, I saw my mother went to in front of the classroom to take my

                        report, she opened my report slowly and suddenly she run to me for giving a huge and kiss on my cheek.

                       “You prove it, You can do  it, I am proud of you, thanks nak” My mother said to me. I was glared,

                        not because of I got the first rank, but because of I could make my mother  was proud of me. In the night,

                       I saw my mother came to me and she brought a hand phone to me. Finally, I have a hand phone :)



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