"Rocketed from a distand planet to a bold new destiny on Earth."
"Found by a Kansas family and raised as Clark Kent."
"He learned he possessed the strength of steel, the speed of light, and the desire to help all mankind."

~ Adventures of Superboy Season 3 Prologue
Please, feel free to
Actor Gerard Christopher as SUPERBOY
From the season 3 Episode "TEST OF TIME"

Following in the successful tradition of the late Christopher Reeve's (SUPERMAN) movie
portrayal, Superboy was to be the man of steels youthful predecessor.  The producers of the
SUPERMAN films Alexander & (son) Ilya Salkind envisioned telling the story of Superman's
teenaged years.

SUPERBOY premiered in 1988 as a syndicated half-hour action adventure series, starring
newcomer John Haymes Newton as the boy of steel.  Newton gave a less than perfect
portrayal of the American Icon and was quickly replaced after very low ratings resulting from
the 1st season.  When Superboy returned for Season 2, viewers were surprised by the
stunning performance of John Newton's replacement, actor GERARD CHRISTOPHER.

Gerard Christopher's portrayal of Superboy quickly became a fan favorite and attracted more
viewers than season one could ever hope for.  The result allowed the series to climb to a
very healthy TOP 10 number television series rating.  Viewer's young and old could tell that
Christopher was Superboy !!!

Gerard Christopher donned the famous red and blue tights from Season TWO in 1989 til the
shows abruptly unexpected ending in 1992.  The main reason for the collapse of the series
was due to the legal matter of a lien being placed on the character of Superboy.  It was
ridiculous for a show of this great stature to be pulled from the air due to this fact.  A made for
TV movie was in the works before the show ended but was never made or aired.  Superboy
also had been granted the promise of a 5th and possibly even a 6th season.  The show had
potential to go much farther than what it was aloud for sure!

Gerard Christopher's performance of Superboy remains the most favorite adaptation of the
character among loyal fans.  I was only 5 when Superboy debuted on TV and about 6 when
Mr. Christopher was awarded the role.  To this day memories of watching Superboy on
Saturday afternoons are just as clear as ever.  And will remain with me all the days of my life.
It will forever be my all-time favorite television series.

Gerard Christopher's portrayal of SUPERBOY made the character come to life in a whole
new light.  Not because he could fly or had limitless powers but it was Gerard's warmth and
passion that made SUPERBOY believable and freindly.  He was someone you could look up
to, someone you could really trust, someone who cared about everyone.  He even showed
care for those who were evil or tried to destory him.  The human compassion is what really
makes SUPERBOY "super".  His examples should be followed by us all.  The world would be
a better place for sure.

He is not only the ultimate superhero but an amazing role-model .....

                      SUPERBOY came onto our tv screens each week and shared
                       his world with us all.  Allied with good friends like the beautiful
                       Lana Lang (Stacy Haiduk), and the lovably laugh-out-loud
                       Andy McAlister (Ilan Mitchell-Smith)

                       there was also the villainous Lex Luthor (Sherman Howard)
                       who was always a threat for Superboy.  Even great characters
                        from the comics like Bizarro (Barry Meyers) and Mxyzptlk
                        (Michael J. Pollard)

                       The show is greatly missed by all its fans !!!!!!!!!!!

Visit Gerard Christopher's website at:      

..... and join the YAHOO! Group for Gerard Christopher at:  groups.yahoo.com
Help bring SUPERBOY back to
air or to DVD by signing the petition at the link below.

Click on the Superboy logo.
Check out Gerard Christopher's
Group at Yahoo! Groups
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