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  IIC RN 1-A-992-0 FIS
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The eleventh anniversary of Free Intellectual Space
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• Ukraine - the leader of civilization? • Millennium Competition • If we knew what we had...

Only facts

• Technology of Free Intellectual Space (FIS) was conceived in Kyiv in 1991. The main technological document of FIS is "The Concept of Free Intellectual Space" (21.10.1991).

• The main political document of FIS is "The Declaration of Independent Intellect" (25.10.1991).

• The first Independent Intellectual Centre of Free Intellectual Space was established on 16.01.1992 in Minsk district of the city of Kyiv (code EDRPOU 16474125). The main purpose of regulation code is the creation of Free Intellectual Space. At the same time it realizes intellectual production and with the help of intellectual products furthers society in solving its problems.

• In 1995 Independent Intellectual Centre carried out the conditions of Criterion and became the first registered centre of FIS net numbered RN l-A-992-0 FIS.

Here are a few of the elaborations of Independent Intellectual Centre:

• The Concept "Special economic zone of Free Intellectual Space" (1992);
• The Project "Aphrodite" at International competition of projects of transformation of "Ukritiye" site of Chernobyl NPP into ecologically safe system (1992);
• "Open international programme of the creation of Free Intellectual Space "Liberty of Mankind: NEXT STEP" (1995);
• Mathematical formulation and methods "Mafiosity coefficient" (1993);
• Theory of "antirecessionary damper stabilizer" (1995);
• ''Hypothesis of possibility of Sociointellectual Resonance''' (1995);
• The Concept of possibility of way out of Ukraine of crises condition "Ukraine of 90s" (1997);
• The Programme of way out of Ukraine of crisis "Intellectual way of Ukraine" (1998);
• The Concept of Nation-wide system of economical stimulation of civil ecological initiatives "Civil ecoinitiative" (1999);
• The Concept of information technology "Open windows of the third millennium";
• Basic universal unit of International system of collective safety "AN OPENED WORLD" (1999);
• The Concept of discretization of functional procedure of public services activities "Effectiveness of Reforms" (2000);
• The Programme of primeval nature preservation in cities "Wild Indigenous Nature-city" (2000);
• "Theory and Strategy of equal opportunities society" (2002);
• Technological scheme of intellectual grant (2001) and on its basis - "Millennium Competition" (2001-2003) .

All the elaborations are priority-driven.

All the work is done at expanses of the founders and participants.


The Society Of Equal Possibilities

Human Rights Terrytory



In light of the eleventh anniversary of Free Intellectual Space that was commemorated on 21, October this year (2002), Journalist Helen Monomach interviewed a general manager of Independent Intellectual Centre Sergey Koretsky:

You have been one of the founders of the Centre in 1991 and its permanent leader. Let's recall the origins of Free Intellectual Space. Tell me please what really was the first incitement for such an unusual undertaking?

Then in 1991 when the new society was being built from "a blank sheet of paper" we did not have illusions concerning foreseeable future. I had already had the experience of social planning and social innovating and my friends had the experience of participating in reforms. The system of Free Intellectual Space was conceived from our experience and warnings of possible future.

Indeed, it is unusual. Karl Chapek has the story "Factory of Absolute" but it is fiction. You created the enterprise on producing Free Intellectual Space. Why so? Why an enterprise and not a public organization?

It concerns technology. A public organization cannot produce high-tech products. Internet is based on high-tech production services and its success is grounded in the first place on the fact that Internet is a business. Free Intellectual Space has the technological level a few degrees higher than Internet, and for its expanding and supporting professional work of many experts is needed. They still should be trained. It is for one thing. In the second place a public organization cannot have stability and independence necessary for independent intellectual centres (IIC).

Well, you are claiming your independence and you are objected that independence is impossible.

In the Declaration of Independent Intellect we agree that absolute independence is unattainable. But article 7 of the Concept of Free Intellectual Space set out requirements before each independent intellectual centre to work specifically on the achievement of three types independence: structural, intellectual, and economical. And our practical fruitful work during 11 years points out that it is possible. We have done it!

And isn't independence of intellectual centre, in this way, turning into the end of itself?

No. During all this time we were not only existing but also producing intellectual products, supporting our members and participants in their own activities, developing technologies for our followers and taking measures for holding world priority of Ukraine. And all this has been done not simply independently but literally against the economical situation and psychological pressure we have been exposed to by the society. Independence of intellectual centre is a necessary basis for providing its members with intellectual freedom. And intellectual freedom of citizens is a guarantee of successful development of society. That is why we have been lacking in 10 years. In consideration of this in 1997 we offered the Concept of way out of Ukraine of the crisis "Ukraine in the 90s". And in a year the Programme "Intellectual way of Ukraine". Although Ukraine turned out to be not ready.

And have there been analogues of Free Intellectual Space before?

No, there haven't been, information and social technologies necessary for the creation of Free Intellectual Space appeared only in late 90s.

And what is FIS peculiar in?

Free Intellectual Space set a person free from economical and other social limits to intellectual activity. Of course one our Centre is not enough for the creation of Free Intellectual Space. As well as one computer is not Internet yet. But in case of our success the development of Free Intellectual Space will alter the civilization.

Isn't it fiction? Is it possible?

All future components of Free Intellectual Space exist and have already proved to be realistic in practice and their new combination and impact which may be obtained in this way are tried in experimental samples. The confidence we have gained in this is enough to pay a full price for realization.

Excuse me? It is not mistake? Do you pay for realization?

Yes, we are different from other reformers and reconstructors, who, irrespective of results, have wages at the minimum, in the way that we have already paid such a price that no compensation, and even more so, no profit is possible. We were giving away not only our money, we were paying in the only things we had - our time and our lives. What is done with money quickly may be done without money, but for all that, time is lost... Sometimes too much.

Where is your confidence that all this is not vain, that the project of creating Free Intellectual Space will be completed successfully coming from?

Of course, there is no such confidence. But the more you learn about Free Intellectual Space the more you understand its resources and the more keenly you feel the bitterness of loss the mankind has already suffered and is continuing to suffer on account of not using these resources.

Knowledge imposes responsibility. What will happen to the mankind without Free Intellectual Space - read fiction writers, G. Orwell for example...

Although, no, don't. It is enough to think about your own life. So I don't have the right to think about failure. The price is too high.

Tell us, please about concrete intellectual products of the Centre. For example about the project of International collective safety system "AN OPENED WORLD". Has it anything to do with terrorism?

Directly. Terrorism is the way of solving social and political problems. Often, international and sometimes internal problem. But in all cases the point is in exerting pressure upon public awareness (intellect). It directly concerns our sphere of activities. In 1999 in Independent Intellectual Centre the new information technology "Opening the window of the third millennium" (OWTM) was created and on its basis - basic universal unit of International collective safety system "AN OPENED WORLD". This system is designed for preventing not only acts of terrorism but wars and other forms of international conflicts; internal and intertribal problems.

While realizing it we went in the usual way for IIC: the creation of specialized organization modified for this technology. According to the primary plan, it was necessary to find five interested, respectable, influential citizens (one representative from each continent) who would agree to become the founders of Committee. The Committee will receive OWTM technology from the Centre and organize expending of the technology in potentially dangerous areas to prevent conflicts. We will pass the technology on free of charge. But we have had difficulties: the first is that our resources are scarcely enough for the main activities: to give to the organizing Committee a material support, we could not. And the main task of the organizing Committee is to look for candidates of the founders on five continents. And responsibility is big: secret services agents and terrorists are inadmissible among the founders of international collective safety system. It happened to address famous public figures (among other things, president Clinton was offered to be at the head of the Committee). Financial restrictions and the lack of communication facilities made us stop looking for candidates for the time being. By the same reasons we couldn't make the scheme of solving the conflict in the Middle East clear to the people concerned in time. The results concern everybody: outburst of armed conflicts in the Middle East, attacks by al-Qa'ida on the U.S. since the year 2000 and the activities of antiterrorist coalition in 2001, the recent acts in Indonesia and Moscow, collision of antiterrorist laws passed in different countries with human rights. All this escalation of terrorism and counterterrorism, we think, is begotten by the fact that alternative means the Centre has are beyond reach for the society. Impossibility to pass "know-how" on to the society makes us feel a moral obligation for these bloody events, makes our hair grey and forces us to strain every nerve.

How do you see outlooks? Will we have Free Intellectual Space with all its advantages declared, or will it remain one of the beautiful legends and untried opportunities?

For eleven years Independent Intellectual Centre have been making every effort (strictly following FIS technology) in order to complete the first economical cycle and doing so to ensure starting and deploying Free Intellectual Space financially. In view of this we had to commercialise FIS technology. It is quite unusual, but if the mankind wish to have Free Intellectual Space - it will have to buy it... directly from Free Intellectual Space. Independent Intellectual Centre - is the first organizational structure by FIS technology; it is created by means of self-organization; it proved its independence, efficiency, and necessity and now represents its interests. FIS technology will be put up for auction, and proceeds will be used for an independent start and development of Free Intellectual Space. Any person can get Free Intellectual Space for our civilization. It will be competition for millionaires. In case of success it will change the lot of civilization, and a name of the winner will be written in golden letters into the history of the mankind.

The information in detail about Free Intellectual Space and Millennium Competition might be found:

Well, the only thing left is to congratulate Independent Intellectual Centre on the anniversary, to wish good luck and look forward to the times when Free Intellectual Space will be accessible to everybody.

Interview by Helen Monomach, journalist.

Translated by Max Fartuhov.
Supplements (might be found on:  
1. The Concept of Free Intellectual Space (ukr. russ. engl.)  
2. The Declaration of Independent Intellect (ukr. russ. engl.)  

*Please contact: Independent Intellectual Centre: 
02160, Kyiv, Kharkiv shosse 2, 243. 
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