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    Unforgettable Boy

         In the dark of night there was three boys fall down from unclassified place,one this boy has a unique moustache, and two of them are cool. Their names are Nang, Ning, and Nung. Ang Nung is the unique one. Then, they are stand up together, and suddenly there was an angel fall down from the sky. Three boys was...


  T  A  N  G  L  E




    Menggapai Mimpi Garuda

        Kebangkitan Nasional ialah Rasa dan Semangat Kesatuan, Persatuan, dan Nasionalisme untuk mempertahankan Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia. Sedangkan definisi dari nasionalisme  ialah Paham yang menciptakan dan mempertahankan kedaulatan negara dengan mewujudkan suatu identitas...


      The Last Song Ever

       Once, there was a man named Michael who really loved to sing and play the instrument.  He was great in composing a song with romantic lyrics. This made many ladies fell in love with him. But, he did not understand what love means yet. Therefore, he was still single and rejected to marry although his family had insisted him.