Strictly, to call this a Crusader helmet is a bit of a misnomer. Certainly the Crusaders wore them, but so did many other western European warriors at the turn of the 13th century. This one is taken from the silver  reliquary of Charlemagne, which dates to about 1210, and shows both this helmet and the next stage in development, with a face plate and a small extension at the back to protect the neck. Later still, about the middle of the 13th century, this became the full barrel helm.
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Crusader Helmet early 13th century
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I just wanted a really silly helmet to wear in a tourney run by a group who "did" the late 12th-early 13th century. It's hard to get a sillier helmet than this. Though I also made a Phryigian cap (or "Noddy") helmet, which I will put up on this site in due course. Maybe there should be a special section for Silly Helmets. Certainly, it's hard to take seriously somebody wearing a cooking pot or a Noddy hat on the battlefield.
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