Ebay Discussion Board Violations! | ||||||||||
In this section, I will be showing you all the violations that appear on the Ebay discussion boards. The hostile members who post the boards seem to get off on other people's pain and discomfort. See the examples below: eBay > Community > Discussion Boards > Board Policies > Bidding > Board log in Attention all BB members: Please read this important message troll.managment.committee (0) (view author's auctions) 6:35pm February 24, 2002 Troll Management 101 a)What is a message board troll? These are the bane of the Internet. Typically they arrive on a board with an outrageous or inflammatory post hoping to get response and they usually do. They rant, SCREAM IN CAPS, can be profane, can make religious, racists or sexist slurs hoping to further inflame the board. They hope to start fights among the members that will then burn under their own steam. The troll then sits back and watches gleefully the mess they have created. Having caused this havoc they usually threaten to not leave till they have the apology they want because the posters have been "mean" to them Then begins the endless rounds of goodbyes. Very typical behavior. The say they are leaving but always turn back up within a few posts. This can go on for many many times. Trolls crave above all else, attention Trolls can be destructive to a board but the board can only be destroyed if the members allow it to happen. Trolls on ebay can interfere with auctions so it is strongly suggested you post with a posting id or your buyer only id. b) Dealing with Troll attacks. It's really very simple. They crave attention so give them none. No matter how offensive their postings, ignore them totally. It's up the board how long you want a troll to stay. If you want it for a long protracted period then keep posting to it's inane drivel. If you want it over...stop feeding it now! If it violates board policy or sends you unsolicited spam through the ebay mail system, report to [email protected] in plain text I strongly recommend a posting id or buyer only id for posting to ebay boards. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 6:38pm February 24, 2002 (#1 of 133) A very helpful and informative thread. Thank you, TMC... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pixie_marie (0) (view author's auctions) 6:41pm February 24, 2002 (#2 of 133) thanks!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- englandboy (0) (view author's auctions) 7:30pm February 24, 2002 (#3 of 133) Are any pinks watching? A most informative thread-starter, TMC. I'll be watching for more of your excellent posts, and thank you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [email protected] (0) (view author's auctions) 8:39pm February 24, 2002 (#4 of 133) Thanks :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lowlifeweaselsniper (14) (view author's auctions) 9:41pm February 24, 2002 (#5 of 133) dang it and I had hoped the billie goat I bought named GRUFF would take care of the trolls....... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gruffbillygoat (0) (view author's auctions) 9:43pm February 24, 2002 (#6 of 133) Did I hear somone call??? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 9:59pm February 24, 2002 (#7 of 133) gruff - did I thank you for the security work Thurs. night? Also clipping and fertilizing the lawn ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thieving_magpie (0) (view author's auctions) 11:43pm February 24, 2002 (#8 of 133) Q: Does a troll have to intend to be a troll or does the definition include unconscious trollery as well? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ozone78$ace$reporter$ (0) (view author's auctions) 1:11am February 25, 2002 (#9 of 133) I posted this on another thread but I felt I should repost it here as well. I would appreciate people not posting my ozone addy here anymore. I was contacted by a troll who was lurking here on the boards and I ended up having to block him out. I was sent a URL which led to a duplicate website containing the same information as the one that was posted the other day regarding Ebay. This person is very driven and dangerous. I am just trying to let everyone know what the deal is. This is getting pretty serious. Please be more careful and considerate in the future by not posting e-mail addys here. Thank you! Ace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniper_no_sniping! (0) (view author's auctions) 1:24am February 25, 2002 (#11 of 133) Troll-Please be more careful and considerate in the future by taking a bath so you aren't stinking up our nice, clean board. Thank you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_woozle (0) (view author's auctions) 7:09am February 25, 2002 (#13 of 133) bump -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_woozle (0) (view author's auctions) 7:11am February 25, 2002 (#14 of 133) tee hee, that was fun, think I'll do it again! bump! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ozone78$ace$reporter$ (0) (view author's auctions) 7:11am February 25, 2002 (#15 of 133) I have no more to say on the subject. I was just alerting you all as to what is going on. I do not wish to engage in a fight with any of you. It is not worth a board violation. Have a nice day! Ace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thefamiliarcat (0) (view author's auctions) 7:28am February 25, 2002 (#16 of 133) "I have no more to say on the subject." Finally........some peace and quiet. tfc (Of course, that is an outright fib on their part and wishful thinking on mine.......sigh.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipes_it (7) (view author's auctions) 7:30am February 25, 2002 (#17 of 133) How many *exits* does this make for Ozone this time? I've only been in and out this weekend, but I know I've seen several! Has anyone kept count...... the patterns of certain types of posters just never change, do they? snipes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 7:51am February 25, 2002 (#18 of 133) May'st I show you the door? Do not let it strike you in the Ace! -----)-------------------------- ----------(-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 7:52am February 25, 2002 (#19 of 133) Hey {{{SISA}}}! I got a door too! LOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 8:42am February 25, 2002 (#20 of 133) just a "bump" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- attorney_barnabus_collins (0) (view author's auctions) 8:59am February 25, 2002 (#21 of 133) A Ebay traditional limerick to no one in particular: There was once a Tuna named Charley Who thought being a Troll would be gnarly She made rants and threats- Tried to evade everyones nets 'till she was Naru'd-THEN she was ready to parley. For in her delirious mind... (She thought everyone else would be blind.) Little did she forsee, That her alternative ID Would not hide her from all of mankind. Though equipped with superior brains, Her IDs wear those Tunafish stains. I'm happy to say They give her away In spite of her riteous claims. What a joke! A supposedly grown man wrote this. Looks like something I may have written in Kindergarten:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- englandboy (0) (view author's auctions) 9:01am February 25, 2002 (#22 of 133) ABC adds poetry to his list of accomplishments...! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- koi*boy (0) (view author's auctions) 9:02am February 25, 2002 (#23 of 133) try again...she is a he -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *samby* (31) (view author's auctions) 9:12am February 25, 2002 (#24 of 133) Ummm....how do YOU know that koi? Inquiring minds want to know -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- englandboy (0) (view author's auctions) 9:12am February 25, 2002 (#25 of 133) The troll just outed herself in # 23. It'll be fun to watch her trying to moonwalk now... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- englandboy (0) (view author's auctions) 9:13am February 25, 2002 (#26 of 133) Somebody alert GG. She wasn't quite convinced earlier. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 9:14am February 25, 2002 (#27 of 133) I'm here. I see. Definately looks awkward, doesn't it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 9:17am February 25, 2002 (#28 of 133) GG -- you did also see posts #130 and #136 on the chat thread, right? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gruntbunny (5) (view author's auctions) 9:17am February 25, 2002 (#29 of 133) G'morning all... Uh, I feel like I've walked into an Alzheimer's reunion... So many faces - and I don't know who half of you are... *sigh* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 9:17am February 25, 2002 (#30 of 133) ZOIKS! Scooby... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jesswonderful (0) (view author's auctions) 9:19am February 25, 2002 (#31 of 133) {{{GB}}}!!! Kim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 9:20am February 25, 2002 (#32 of 133) Correction: Posts 130 and 138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gruntbunny (5) (view author's auctions) 9:21am February 25, 2002 (#33 of 133) (((Kim))) How are you? Well, I hope... :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 9:21am February 25, 2002 (#34 of 133) {{{Pete}}} Yep - I saw them. I agree - It seems odd for someone to keep protesting that they are not a troll so vigorously even after we chatted a bit about koi. Non-trolls don't usually need to protest so much. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 9:22am February 25, 2002 (#35 of 133) Hi {{{GB}}}! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jesswonderful (0) (view author's auctions) 9:23am February 25, 2002 (#36 of 133) Good , GB....just been real busy lately...what new right?? LOL Kim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gruntbunny (5) (view author's auctions) 9:24am February 25, 2002 (#37 of 133) Hi GG... ((((GG)))) ((((Pete too...)))) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- imsuchagirlygirl (0) (view author's auctions) 9:26am February 25, 2002 (#38 of 133) So, uh, is it safe yet? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 9:27am February 25, 2002 (#39 of 133) I dunno, Girlygirl. Depends upon how you define 'safe'! LOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gruntbunny (5) (view author's auctions) 9:27am February 25, 2002 (#40 of 133) Safe to what? Swim with sharks??? (LOL, got my titanium undies on, should be okay...) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- koi*boy (0) (view author's auctions) 9:28am February 25, 2002 (#41 of 133) Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus et benedictus fructus ventris ventris tui, Iesus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- imsuchagirlygirl (0) (view author's auctions) 9:30am February 25, 2002 (#42 of 133) LOL GG! Safe = Tuna Free Zone Apparently not ... :( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gruntbunny (5) (view author's auctions) 9:32am February 25, 2002 (#43 of 133) Smells fishy here... Where's the cat when you need her?... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 9:35am February 25, 2002 (#44 of 133) Had customer @ the garden center the other day that had spent $400 on a goldfish, 3 days later a crane ate it. TROZ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blindcap (0) (view author's auctions) 9:55am February 25, 2002 (#46 of 133) RE: Post 44. That reminds me of an incedent at swim practice one day. There was a rather large bug in the pool, and rather than leave it to it's watery death, one of the girls scooped it out onto the deck. She was very pleased with herself for having saved it. Almost immediatly, a bird swooped down and ate it up! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- koi*boy (0) (view author's auctions) 10:05am February 25, 2002 (#47 of 133) No me voy a rendir, no no -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- attorney_barnabus_collins (0) (view author's auctions) 10:15am February 25, 2002 (#48 of 133) Poor newby..a person on another board asked last week why they should get a posting ID. I told them about our current troll, and that they should at least lose the main id with their email address in it. Guess what? They had 2 auctions won and negs left by "catch22" over the weekend. They came back and posted it, and said they refuse to change their ID. (bang head on wall) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- eirmis (84) (view author's auctions) 10:18am February 25, 2002 (#49 of 133) some of us are hard headed, but still nice ABC... aren't you supposed to be off learning code or something? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- englandboy (0) (view author's auctions) 11:10am February 25, 2002 (#50 of 133) Was that cyra, ABC? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- memah_does_her_game_thang (0) (view author's auctions) 11:12am February 25, 2002 (#51 of 133) Hello, all. How can you tell if a new ID is a 'llort' when they first post? Because I wouldn't like to be mistaken for one, since I don't post a lot. It would hurt my widdle feelings! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 11:14am February 25, 2002 (#52 of 133) Read the OP, Memah. It should explain it to you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blindcap (0) (view author's auctions) 11:15am February 25, 2002 (#53 of 133) Mostly it is a stylistic thing. If they sound like someone you know to be a troll, your suspicions are aroused immediatly. As long as you sound like yourself, there shouldn't be a problem! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- englandboy (0) (view author's auctions) 11:20am February 25, 2002 (#54 of 133) Never mind, ABC. I saw it. Poor guy... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- terrific_tantalizing_talkative_tiff (0) (view author's auctions) 11:27am February 25, 2002 (#55 of 133) Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus et benedictus fructus ventris ventris tui, Iesus Is that Mozart's requiem???? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- memah_does_her_game_thang (0) (view author's auctions) 11:30am February 25, 2002 (#56 of 133) OIC! It looks like I have a lot to learn! You CAN teach an old dog new tricks! ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blindcap (0) (view author's auctions) 11:31am February 25, 2002 (#57 of 133) Yup. Sometimes you just have to talk a little louder ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- memah_does_her_game_thang (0) (view author's auctions) 11:33am February 25, 2002 (#58 of 133) Eh? Wot say? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *samby* (31) (view author's auctions) 11:40am February 25, 2002 (#59 of 133) I don't think so. It's a benediction but Mozart's bendictus is just a line or two from the Mass or Requiem Mass Benedictus, qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blindcap (0) (view author's auctions) 11:40am February 25, 2002 (#60 of 133) I SAID... Oooo, you almost had me! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !ttttiffy! (0) (view author's auctions) 11:40am February 25, 2002 (#61 of 133) I just remember the first couple of lines because my favorite movie is "Amadeus". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- memah_does_her_game_thang (0) (view author's auctions) 11:42am February 25, 2002 (#62 of 133) LOL@ blindcap! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- attorney_barnabus_collins (0) (view author's auctions) 12:49pm February 25, 2002 (#63 of 133) Hey, EB..I'm going to list that link for the tuna. If she goes there, too bad. (I loved it, and after all, thats what it's for...any webmaster should be able to "deactivate" it.) Here goes..: http://www.quagga.freeserve.co.uk/troll/trollone.html This link by the way leads to a fake virus site posted by an "Attorney" wannabe. Pathetic! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- koi*boy (0) (view author's auctions) 12:52pm February 25, 2002 (#64 of 133) 1 step ahead of the masses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- koi*boy (0) (view author's auctions) 12:54pm February 25, 2002 (#65 of 133) you need to oil your wheels lawyer man, you are so far off base it is amusing... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- forrest*gump (0) (view author's auctions) 12:55pm February 25, 2002 (#66 of 133) The bus stopped with a jerk, and look who got off. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- koi*boy (0) (view author's auctions) 1:10pm February 25, 2002 (#67 of 133) and you people say you don't try to encourage the trolls, I believe all was quiet until someone tried a juvenile trick.. Very valid point! I think perhaps Mr. "Attorney" wannabe is merely a Grammer school drop-out gone bad:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- englandboy (0) (view author's auctions) 1:23pm February 25, 2002 (#68 of 133) Funny, ABC! Great link (and sorta scary, too)! Amusing how the troll can't stop running off with the mouth, now that he's been outed, isn't it? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- koi*boy (0) (view author's auctions) 1:24pm February 25, 2002 (#69 of 133) control + W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- koi*boy (0) (view author's auctions) 1:24pm February 25, 2002 (#70 of 133) how have I been outed? Your fascination with me is flattering... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- troll*buster (0) (view author's auctions) 1:26pm February 25, 2002 (#71 of 133) Why is it that we get all the stoopid trolls? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- koi*boy (0) (view author's auctions) 1:29pm February 25, 2002 (#73 of 133) Oh you are right, I am stoopid.. I guess I fit right in with the people that create ID's with the words "troll" and "snipe" in them... Wildly imaginative doncha think? Another great point! koi*boy has more sense than any of them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- troll*buster (0) (view author's auctions) 1:33pm February 25, 2002 (#75 of 133) I didn't mention your name carp*boy, but if the shoe fits... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- koi*boy (0) (view author's auctions) 1:35pm February 25, 2002 (#76 of 133) I am in awe of your comeback. I bow to your superior wit. You represent your community well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- attorney_barnabus_collins (0) (view author's auctions) 1:36pm February 25, 2002 (#77 of 133) Anyone see where Koi was mentioned in post #63? I'm still waiting for CC. (eyes rolling) CC is referenced in the previous threads. His member name is "crazy_charlie69" who was recently suspended for merely speaking his mind. As you can see, they attack him even though he is no longer around. So sad:( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- attorney_barnabus_collins (0) (view author's auctions) 1:39pm February 25, 2002 (#78 of 133) Q: If you are fishing for tuna and catch a carp, does it still smell like fish? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- are_you_serious (0) (view author's auctions) 1:42pm February 25, 2002 (#79 of 133) A: YES! I hate having to wear "new" clothes and not post with my regular ID due to trolls! This recent plague is why I haven't been posting much....:-( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 1:50pm February 25, 2002 (#81 of 133) SISA - I posted some gifs on SL's chat thread for you! :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 2:12pm February 25, 2002 (#82 of 133) Milady cye (GG) ----)----------------- ---------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 2:13pm February 25, 2002 (#83 of 133) SISA - I can't CYE until I get home. I can't access my home emails from here at work! :( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 2:16pm February 25, 2002 (#84 of 133) If it's urgent SISA - I could give you my work email. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 2:16pm February 25, 2002 (#85 of 133) It will waite. ----)------------------- ---------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ozone78$ace$reporter$ (0) (view author's auctions) 3:47pm February 25, 2002 (#86 of 133) Hello koi, listen to me for a minute. I shall not post here after this. Please do not fight with these characters because it is what they want you to do. They have me labeled a troll too but I choose not to fight and instead ignore and report what I see. If you sink to the intellegence level in here, you will be just as bad as they are. You seem like a highly intellegent man and you do not need or want a NARU. This is what they want but this is not what we want to give them. Hold on to your integrity and use what power you have. To report and get this mess cleaned up. You have the power to rid the boards of unclean posts same as I. Let us leave here and report all the violations to the Ebay staff. It is not worth it dude. They are not worth it. Have a great night! Ace Good advice from Ace. He seems to have a good head on his shoulder's too. Very good sense of logic and reason as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ozone78$ace$reporter$ (0) (view author's auctions) 3:49pm February 25, 2002 (#87 of 133) Oh and one more thing, I am sorry if I called you a man when you could be a woman. It is rather hard to tell with the id's alone. Ace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 3:52pm February 25, 2002 (#88 of 133) Well, I declare... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 3:56pm February 25, 2002 (#89 of 133) <sigh> This is getting monotonous. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s_l_o_t_h_hunter (0) (view author's auctions) 4:07pm February 25, 2002 (#91 of 133) I beleive we're almost near the end of this round of llortism...The llort in question always resorts to talking to itself using 2 differet personas near the end of each visit.... obscene posts...check pleas for civility cuz its not a troll...check conversations between its IDs....check round of new IDS with obscene posts......hurry up and get on with it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- troll*buster (0) (view author's auctions) 4:14pm February 25, 2002 (#94 of 133) I wonder which one is Senor Wences and which one is Johnny? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kernowlass (1) (view author's auctions) 4:15pm February 25, 2002 (#96 of 133) Tee Hee I nicked your gif. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 4:18pm February 25, 2002 (#98 of 133) Thrice charm... (kernowlass) gently armoured hug. ----)------------------ -------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- llamas-llamas-llamas! (0) (view author's auctions) 4:28pm February 25, 2002 (#99 of 133) llort! {{llamas}} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 4:30pm February 25, 2002 (#100 of 133) Am I going crazy or wasn't this thread pulled? Or is this a new one? I'm so confused. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s_l_o_t_h_hunter (0) (view author's auctions) 4:32pm February 25, 2002 (#101 of 133) Hi goody..a new one! lol...how is shmi? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- llamas-llamas-llamas! (0) (view author's auctions) 4:33pm February 25, 2002 (#102 of 133) go go goody!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *samby* (31) (view author's auctions) 4:33pm February 25, 2002 (#103 of 133) It's a new one but it may get pulled if it turns chatty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- roadie5 (91) (view author's auctions) 4:34pm February 25, 2002 (#104 of 133) chatty, chatty, chatty. Yada, yada, yada. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- llamas-llamas-llamas! (0) (view author's auctions) 4:35pm February 25, 2002 (#105 of 133) little late for that, eh? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 4:37pm February 25, 2002 (#106 of 133) Shmi is fine. Sends her love. Will post here once the board is llort free. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 4:38pm February 25, 2002 (#107 of 133) I'm glad you told me this is a new one. I thought I was going batty. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s_l_o_t_h_hunter (0) (view author's auctions) 4:39pm February 25, 2002 (#108 of 133) Thanks for the report Goody. I see llamas around, do they replace llorts? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 4:51pm February 25, 2002 (#109 of 133) LLORT! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 4:52pm February 25, 2002 (#110 of 133) Yup. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 4:56pm February 25, 2002 (#111 of 133) GIP! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gruntbunny (5) (view author's auctions) 4:57pm February 25, 2002 (#112 of 133) Confoozled with all these new acronyms... Am I back in the military again???? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 4:58pm February 25, 2002 (#113 of 133) You & me both, GB. GIP??? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gruntbunny (5) (view author's auctions) 4:59pm February 25, 2002 (#114 of 133) (((JG)))) (New new outfit you got there... LOL) Giant Incontinent Panda... = GIP? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 5:00pm February 25, 2002 (#115 of 133) Just temporary, GB. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 5:08pm February 25, 2002 (#116 of 133) It confoozeled woozle! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 5:08pm February 25, 2002 (#117 of 133) The acronyms that is! LLORT! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **karma_police** (0) (view author's auctions) 5:11pm February 25, 2002 (#118 of 133) My new outfit is a thread killer..... WAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa!!!! *sniffle* *snort* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 5:21pm February 25, 2002 (#119 of 133) dead thread.... :( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 5:47pm February 25, 2002 (#120 of 133) clear! Bump! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 5:52pm February 25, 2002 (#121 of 133) SL - You are neglecting your chat thread! ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 5:54pm February 25, 2002 (#122 of 133) Answering email and lurking @ the feedies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 5:54pm February 25, 2002 (#123 of 133) Email? Who would be sending you email?!? ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 6:28pm February 25, 2002 (#124 of 133) Poltergiests! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 6:29pm February 25, 2002 (#125 of 133) *giggles* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 6:43pm February 25, 2002 (#126 of 133) Always the *giggles* for me, never the *wiggles* d:( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 6:44pm February 25, 2002 (#127 of 133) *giggleswigglesjiggles* for SL! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 6:51pm February 25, 2002 (#128 of 133) Be still my beating heart! SIGH! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ol_grandad (0) (view author's auctions) 6:53pm February 25, 2002 (#129 of 133) SL if she giggles watch for the jiggles. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 7:35pm February 25, 2002 (#130 of 133) Ah but its those *wiggles*! ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 7:36pm February 25, 2002 (#131 of 133) *wigglewiggle...giggle* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 7:45pm February 25, 2002 (#132 of 133) SNARF! Now just look at all the total disrespect and hate this thread contains as well as gibberish garbage. This is a violation of Ebay's board policy as outlined below: [Grounds for Immediate Post Removal, Board Suspension and/or eBay Suspension The following types of postings are cause for immediate post removal, warning, board suspension and/or suspension from the site. Other inappropriate postings not listed below may also warrant removal and/or suspension from the site: Posting contact or personal information about another individual without permission. Posting material containing profanity, vulgarity, hate speech, or threats of violence. Posting material (graphic or text) that is obscene, pornographic or adult in nature. Using JavaScript, active or other coding, making repetitive posts, or other actions that interfere with site operations. Advertising merchandise, auctions, services or commercial web sites. Posting copyright items without the permission of the copyright owner. Refusing to follow eBay staff instruction or direction. Posting material that in any way violates the eBay User Agreement or Community Values. Using user ID's, auction number's or violating any other board posting policy in the title of a threaded discussion. Inappropriate threads started in Community Help Boards, i.e. eBay policy commentary started in the Community Help Registration Board. eBay may block a user from the boards (threaded or non-threaded) without suspending them from the site. eBay may suspend any user from the boards and from the site who has been previously warned of board policy violations, though we reserve the right to suspend a user immediately depending on the violation. Blocks/suspensions may range from 1 day to indefinite.] These rules are supposed to be upheld but look at all the violations that have been allowed so far. The rules specifically state you cannot post hate speech on the boards or e-mail addresses but yet I see it all the time there. Why? Why is this allowed to continue? Why must people hate each other so much? Where is the respect? All these questions have been left unanswered and avoided when brought to the offender's attention. They attack innocent members mercilessly and get cheap thrills from it. In my opinion, Ebay needs to take stronger actions against board pirates like this. Allowing this to go on makes them look very bad and it makes the boards a very unpleasant place to be. Here are more attacks directed towards unsuspecting victims. These attackers were not even punished for their actions. The rules state that any member who violates the rules shall get a warning and/or suspension but I have yet to see that happen. Although I have seen many threads pulled, there seems to be no other recourse of action against the offenders. They still continue breaking the rules and attacking others. See the below thread in it's entirety: eBay > Community > Discussion Boards > Board Policies > Bidding > Board log in Pull This??? *shmi* (0) (view author's auctions) 5:40pm February 24, 2002 Testing. Do Not Respond. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pahoo (285) (view author's auctions) 6:03pm February 24, 2002 (#1 of 148) Don't EVER suggest that I don't respond!! :o) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 6:05pm February 24, 2002 (#2 of 148) Pahoo is so very responsive, oooooohhh,ahhhhhh <tee hee> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my_other_id_is_dpp (0) (view author's auctions) 6:06pm February 24, 2002 (#3 of 148) Pinks, is it the word "troll" that is now verboten?? Tell us, please? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 6:06pm February 24, 2002 (#4 of 148) Would appreciate if a pink would explain some of the pulled threads. Some are easy to understand, others aren't. Did all references to our unwanted visitors have to go? A problem with a key word? ID's that were posted? Let us know so we can avoid making the same mistakes, PLEASE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 6:07pm February 24, 2002 (#5 of 148) But that word was NOT mentioned in the thread that shmi started that was pulled. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 6:08pm February 24, 2002 (#6 of 148) Dinnertime, BBL. (If this thread is still here<sarcasm>) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 6:08pm February 24, 2002 (#7 of 148) Last night's party thread is gone too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- terrythetroll (1) (view author's auctions) 6:08pm February 24, 2002 (#8 of 148) If they do respond, expect the usual. It will be a canned response in about 4000 words with vague information that will not reveal the answer that we are looking for. The real answer can be given in one or two sentences, but that would be too easy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pahoo (285) (view author's auctions) 6:09pm February 24, 2002 (#9 of 148) I've been gone all day, so I don't know what the heck's going on. :o( Maybe it's better that way.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *samby* (31) (view author's auctions) 6:09pm February 24, 2002 (#10 of 148) What got pulled? I'm lost -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my_other_id_is_dpp (0) (view author's auctions) 6:10pm February 24, 2002 (#11 of 148) I've been here all day and don't know what the heck's going on! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 6:10pm February 24, 2002 (#12 of 148) Terry's trying to get NARU'd!! ;~) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mutter_sniper (0) (view author's auctions) 6:10pm February 24, 2002 (#13 of 148) Gee - don't worry about it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 6:11pm February 24, 2002 (#14 of 148) Maybe they got tired of my pictures? :( ------)-------------------- -------(-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 6:11pm February 24, 2002 (#15 of 148) The Troll management thread and both SLOTH threads got pulled. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *shmi* (0) (view author's auctions) 6:11pm February 24, 2002 (#16 of 148) TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL TROLL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- padme_amidala (3) (view author's auctions) 6:11pm February 24, 2002 (#17 of 148) What's going on? What all got pulled? Did The Troll Management Commitee thread go? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 6:11pm February 24, 2002 (#18 of 148) Threads OP'd by our visitor were pulled, other threads about those threads were pulled. Maybe this one about the ones that were about the ones . . . oh, never mind . . . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my_other_id_is_dpp (0) (view author's auctions) 6:12pm February 24, 2002 (#19 of 148) Shmi's cruisin' for a pinkslappin'! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 6:12pm February 24, 2002 (#20 of 148) Evening again... Anyone check the troll's IDs see if it's NARU yet? Also, sorry Shmi, but keep watch on your e mail, I had a thread pulled once, it accompanied a p-slap. :( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 6:12pm February 24, 2002 (#21 of 148) Troll management got pulled too -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 6:12pm February 24, 2002 (#22 of 148) LOL @ Post #19&20! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my_other_id_is_dpp (0) (view author's auctions) 6:12pm February 24, 2002 (#23 of 148) ozone was not NARU, the last I checked (a few minutes ago) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 6:12pm February 24, 2002 (#24 of 148) Last I checked no relevant ID's have been NARU'd -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s_l_o_t_h_hunter (0) (view author's auctions) 6:13pm February 24, 2002 (#25 of 148) my id is still alive though -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- englandboy (0) (view author's auctions) 6:13pm February 24, 2002 (#26 of 148) I did a search and can't even FIND either of them! What in the tarnation is goin' on? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- padme_amidala (3) (view author's auctions) 6:14pm February 24, 2002 (#27 of 148) Crikey! What was wrong with the troll management thread? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s_l_o_t_h_hunter (0) (view author's auctions) 6:14pm February 24, 2002 (#28 of 148) all pink plucked -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my_other_id_is_dpp (0) (view author's auctions) 6:14pm February 24, 2002 (#29 of 148) I'm pretty sure "crikey" is cause for a pinkslap, too! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 6:14pm February 24, 2002 (#30 of 148) I posted on the SLOTH threads and the Mangt thread. Going to check for an E from the boss! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- padme_amidala (3) (view author's auctions) 6:14pm February 24, 2002 (#31 of 148) And which Pink is pulling stuff? What happened today? Was there high trollocity? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *samby* (31) (view author's auctions) 6:15pm February 24, 2002 (#32 of 148) Do you think we should ask TMC to repost their thread with a slightly different title, or even the same title? What you you think? I'm sure they'd be happy to oblige -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 6:15pm February 24, 2002 (#33 of 148) Maybe we have a new resident pink with new ideas as to what he/she will allow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- padme_amidala (3) (view author's auctions) 6:16pm February 24, 2002 (#34 of 148) I liked that thread, Samby. I thought it was very helpful. I hope the OP re-posts it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ikit! (0) (view author's auctions) 6:16pm February 24, 2002 (#35 of 148) Must have missed it. For once ikit was not pink slapped... Not sure if that is a good thing... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 6:17pm February 24, 2002 (#36 of 148) Maybe TMC should first post a "Hello, PINKS, WTF?" thread. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- padme_amidala (3) (view author's auctions) 6:17pm February 24, 2002 (#37 of 148) ikit! wasn't pink-slapped??? OK, something is definitely up! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- padme_amidala (3) (view author's auctions) 6:18pm February 24, 2002 (#38 of 148) LMAO @ Pete!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 6:18pm February 24, 2002 (#39 of 148) I thought the Management thread was helpful. Very informative. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 6:19pm February 24, 2002 (#40 of 148) Maybe there were too many references to lime jello....or see-thru undies.....or hot tubs..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s_l_o_t_h_hunter (0) (view author's auctions) 6:19pm February 24, 2002 (#41 of 148) I posted on all of them under several IDS...witing for my slapp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 6:20pm February 24, 2002 (#42 of 148) Hi, Padmé! <Wondering if S.L.O.T.H is in action here> <What better thread to hijack than a Do not Respond Thread!> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s_l_o_t_h_hunter (0) (view author's auctions) 6:21pm February 24, 2002 (#43 of 148) it can be -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 6:22pm February 24, 2002 (#44 of 148) Hard to hijack when it's one of us! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_woozle (0) (view author's auctions) 6:22pm February 24, 2002 (#45 of 148) Oh wow...I see this thread titled "pull this" and in the first few posts there is something about pahoo's responsiveness. Did I ever get the wrong idea! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ikit! (0) (view author's auctions) 6:23pm February 24, 2002 (#46 of 148) I aint pulling anyones finger... LMAO! Is there a SLOTH alert? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s_l_o_t_h_hunter (0) (view author's auctions) 6:24pm February 24, 2002 (#47 of 148) OMG...I just an email from Erin...roflmao...it was my seller..her name is Erin, but all the alert said was Erin...darn...just knew I was getting a slap -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 6:25pm February 24, 2002 (#48 of 148) Has anyone gotten a slap? -----)--------------------- --------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 6:26pm February 24, 2002 (#49 of 148) I got a large thump. Does that count? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_woozle (0) (view author's auctions) 6:27pm February 24, 2002 (#50 of 148) Darn, looking forward to a slap...maybe even a spanking ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 6:28pm February 24, 2002 (#51 of 148) That was a bunny thump! -----)--------------------- --------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *samby* (31) (view author's auctions) 6:28pm February 24, 2002 (#52 of 148) Well then I will nicely ask TMC to repost and see what they say. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 6:29pm February 24, 2002 (#53 of 148) Milady Z has been spanking, but she left :( -----)--------------------- --------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 6:31pm February 24, 2002 (#54 of 148) BTW - for mgmt info click on me! -----)--------------------- --------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s_l_o_t_h_hunter (0) (view author's auctions) 6:32pm February 24, 2002 (#55 of 148) Good Sir Knight...you are slapless this evening? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 6:34pm February 24, 2002 (#56 of 148) Samby -- the TMC thread was a magnet of sorts. Maybe ask him to wait until there's another appearance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_woozle (0) (view author's auctions) 6:34pm February 24, 2002 (#57 of 148) SISA, great page, but it's so small! BTW, I don't want to be spanked by a lady... ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 6:37pm February 24, 2002 (#58 of 148) Bigger now - & unslapped! ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- troll.managment.committee (0) (view author's auctions) 6:38pm February 24, 2002 (#59 of 148) Too late. Sorry pete. Maybe we could ask that board members merely bump when needed? The title has been changed to something a little more PC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 6:38pm February 24, 2002 (#60 of 148) Much improved, SISA! :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_woozle (0) (view author's auctions) 6:38pm February 24, 2002 (#61 of 148) Thanks, I was really beginning to worry about my eyesight there! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 6:39pm February 24, 2002 (#62 of 148) GG told it was't too small - thot I had fixed it - my apologies. -----)--------------------- --------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 6:40pm February 24, 2002 (#63 of 148) OOOPs, I bumped it! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 6:42pm February 24, 2002 (#64 of 148) (callie) gentle armoured hug -----)--------------------- --------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 6:43pm February 24, 2002 (#65 of 148) Ahhh a little steel never hurt anyone, big me a big ol'hug! :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 6:44pm February 24, 2002 (#66 of 148) I'll bump it with the list, if needed. (I've removed the one questionable, probably non-troll from the list.) BTW I originally cut and pasted that list from a post by anti-sniper-support. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 6:44pm February 24, 2002 (#67 of 148) Hello {{{Pete}}}! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 6:45pm February 24, 2002 (#68 of 148) Leave off the email addy, Pete. That may have been the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 6:45pm February 24, 2002 (#69 of 148) SHMI! SHMI! SHMI! where are you? Did you get a slap? If so, did they say why? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 6:46pm February 24, 2002 (#70 of 148) Right, Jim. Will do. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 6:49pm February 24, 2002 (#71 of 148) Hi, {{{GG}}} I keep CYE'ing for a pinkslap because I posted that addy, but none yet! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 6:49pm February 24, 2002 (#72 of 148) (((((((((CALLIE)))))))))Ask and you shall receive. -----)--------------------- --------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 6:50pm February 24, 2002 (#73 of 148) You guys are trying for pink slaps? LOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 6:51pm February 24, 2002 (#74 of 148) LOL... thanks, now I know what it feels like to be canned LOL! Very nice hug, I thank you, Sir. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 6:52pm February 24, 2002 (#75 of 148) Did someone say pink slips? Found one of those too! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 6:52pm February 24, 2002 (#76 of 148) Not mine! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 6:52pm February 24, 2002 (#77 of 148) I am actually looking for canned t-meat. SPAM -----)--------------------- --------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ol_grandad (0) (view author's auctions) 6:53pm February 24, 2002 (#78 of 148) Shmi can spank me any time she likes. Looks as if three's been a bit of "house cleaning" while I was away. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 6:53pm February 24, 2002 (#79 of 148) Hello Ron! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 6:54pm February 24, 2002 (#80 of 148) I find it interesting that our party thread was pulled. It was pretty harmless. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ol_grandad (0) (view author's auctions) 6:54pm February 24, 2002 (#81 of 148) Hi {{{GG}}}} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 6:55pm February 24, 2002 (#82 of 148) I wonder if they are going to pull every thread SLOTH hits? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- black_widow_sniper (29) (view author's auctions) 6:55pm February 24, 2002 (#83 of 148) maybe it was the diving for the keys in the hot tub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 6:56pm February 24, 2002 (#84 of 148) {{{Ron}}} Jim - Wasn't the party thread one that we hijacked from the troll though? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 6:57pm February 24, 2002 (#85 of 148) Yes, but it was essentially pretty tame. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 6:57pm February 24, 2002 (#86 of 148) Jim - Mebbe it was the troll that complained to the pinks? LOL Hi BWS! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ol_grandad (0) (view author's auctions) 6:57pm February 24, 2002 (#87 of 148) GG scores another correct answer. Now what can I give a gal that has it all???? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 6:57pm February 24, 2002 (#88 of 148) I can not figure it out either, Jim...I think maybe the TMC thread carried some info on IDs or e info...but the party thread?? Also, as I understnd the Pinks do not pull just because they surf by and read something. Things/threads have to be reported. So, who reported them and why? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- black_widow_sniper (29) (view author's auctions) 6:58pm February 24, 2002 (#89 of 148) hmmm..remove every thread SLOTH hits...ohhh..what power -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clovergreen (1) (view author's auctions) 6:58pm February 24, 2002 (#90 of 148) Hi Ron! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 6:58pm February 24, 2002 (#91 of 148) Broad spectrum antibiotics, Ron! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- zerofeedback (0) (view author's auctions) 6:58pm February 24, 2002 (#92 of 148) Maybe they were all off topic? Just a hunch. They served the purpose intended. Good riddance to them. Let's get back to normal here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 6:59pm February 24, 2002 (#93 of 148) Aaaaccckkkk! JIM! I'm sure that is not what Ron meant!! LOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 6:59pm February 24, 2002 (#94 of 148) Hello Zero! You may be right there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 7:00pm February 24, 2002 (#95 of 148) How about some leftover lime jello? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- zerofeedback (0) (view author's auctions) 7:01pm February 24, 2002 (#96 of 148) Sure, we saw, we came, we hijacked, now it's over. Tell me it won't happen again. Right! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 7:02pm February 24, 2002 (#97 of 148) It will. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 7:03pm February 24, 2002 (#98 of 148) Goodnight all! - I will be back when needed: SISA on patrol! ----)-------------------- --------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ol_grandad (0) (view author's auctions) 7:03pm February 24, 2002 (#99 of 148) Hi Callie.(((HUG))) Green's not my color Jim. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 7:03pm February 24, 2002 (#100 of 148) Yes - It was fun hijacking it's threads and it was SO irritated about it too! LOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diannevt (48) (view author's auctions) 7:04pm February 24, 2002 (#101 of 148) Seems to be a good way to deter the major rants. Dianne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 7:05pm February 24, 2002 (#102 of 148) Perhaps the term "hijack" bothers them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- witchpony (52) (view author's auctions) 7:07pm February 24, 2002 (#103 of 148) I got e-mail from Ebay...welcoming the SPOD to ebay.. go figure?? Donna -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 7:08pm February 24, 2002 (#104 of 148) SPOD? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- witchpony (52) (view author's auctions) 7:09pm February 24, 2002 (#105 of 148) Shetland ponies of doom.. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 7:11pm February 24, 2002 (#106 of 148) Ah hah! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- black_widow_sniper (29) (view author's auctions) 7:14pm February 24, 2002 (#107 of 148) We can change hijacker to huggers...thread huggers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- diannevt (48) (view author's auctions) 7:15pm February 24, 2002 (#108 of 148) and we can chain ourselves to any thread we think might get destroyed in order to protect it from those unfeeling pinks Dianne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gibro (56) (view author's auctions) 7:15pm February 24, 2002 (#109 of 148) Heck, BWS, we do that on every thread! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 7:24pm February 24, 2002 (#110 of 148) bwahahahaha I'm baaaack. Had to go eat dinner & change clothes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- black_widow_sniper (29) (view author's auctions) 7:27pm February 24, 2002 (#111 of 148) but they can't say were hijacking their threads -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pete*s-excellent-thread-extender (0) (view author's auctions) 7:30pm February 24, 2002 (#112 of 148) Goody -- we're trying to get it pulled, REALLY we are! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- witchpony (52) (view author's auctions) 7:31pm February 24, 2002 (#113 of 148) We could say we're freeing the threads from a fate worse then death..LOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- black_widow_sniper (29) (view author's auctions) 7:33pm February 24, 2002 (#114 of 148) I think SLOTH Hunter will fix the me page to say huggers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maxsniper (15) (view author's auctions) 7:36pm February 24, 2002 (#115 of 148) Evening all...well...seems like threads are droppin' like flies around here. So do they just pull every thread that's reported or what? click here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 7:37pm February 24, 2002 (#116 of 148) Hello maX! Your thread is still going strong! :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 7:39pm February 24, 2002 (#117 of 148) Hi MaX. They even pulled one of poor shmi's!! For no reason, she said! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maxsniper (15) (view author's auctions) 7:40pm February 24, 2002 (#118 of 148) {{{GG}}} well, you'd expect no less, would you? teehee click here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maxsniper (15) (view author's auctions) 7:41pm February 24, 2002 (#119 of 148) Hey JG...a Shmi thread got pulled? That's incredible! Rosann is the sweetest of the sweet! click here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 7:43pm February 24, 2002 (#120 of 148) j_g cye -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniping_lurker (0) (view author's auctions) 7:48pm February 24, 2002 (#121 of 148) (((shmi))) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just_goody (0) (view author's auctions) 7:52pm February 24, 2002 (#122 of 148) LOL @ both of you! I still don't get it. There was NO reason for the thread to get pulled. No profanity, no llort flaming, nothing. Poor shmi will probably get pinkslapped too for no reason. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- black_widow_sniper (29) (view author's auctions) 7:53pm February 24, 2002 (#123 of 148) I had just posted on that thread too,,hit refresh and poof -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maxsniper (15) (view author's auctions) 7:56pm February 24, 2002 (#124 of 148) Ah...so it was BWS's fault! Should'a known she was behind it all! teehee click here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- black_widow_sniper (29) (view author's auctions) 7:57pm February 24, 2002 (#125 of 148) well...it's possible..since I did post on every thread that went bye-bye -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maxsniper (15) (view author's auctions) 8:13pm February 24, 2002 (#126 of 148) <sigh> Whatever are we going to do with you, click here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- black_widow_sniper (29) (view author's auctions) 8:22pm February 24, 2002 (#127 of 148) maX!!! A new spider gif...I don't have that one...cooll -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maxsniper (15) (view author's auctions) 8:29pm February 24, 2002 (#128 of 148) My pleasure, BWS. Just snag it before you get THIS blasted thread pulled too! *teehee* click here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 8:59pm February 24, 2002 (#129 of 148) For you maX! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maxsniper (15) (view author's auctions) 9:20pm February 24, 2002 (#130 of 148) {{{GG}}} wow...what a hug! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ol_grandad (0) (view author's auctions) 9:34pm February 24, 2002 (#131 of 148) I apporating gifs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- black_widow_sniper (29) (view author's auctions) 9:41pm February 24, 2002 (#132 of 148) damb...that crook thread got pulled..i knew it would but I didn;t read it fast enough -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kiss*this (0) (view author's auctions) 9:43pm February 24, 2002 (#133 of 148) I knew it wouldn't last long. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- black_widow_sniper (29) (view author's auctions) 9:44pm February 24, 2002 (#134 of 148) Posting IDS in the title will get ya pulled faster than anything -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 9:45pm February 24, 2002 (#135 of 148) Yeah it will if the pinks are watching. It's been a while since we had pinks watching here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kiss*this (0) (view author's auctions) 9:46pm February 24, 2002 (#136 of 148) It got reported right away. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- black_widow_sniper (29) (view author's auctions) 9:46pm February 24, 2002 (#137 of 148) GG..believe me they are watching...cleaned up the palce earlier...we just don't have a resident pink...except for Griff and Elfie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maxsniper (15) (view author's auctions) 9:47pm February 24, 2002 (#138 of 148) Those crooks! I never got to read about it! But...a crook on Ebay? Oh puleasse...get real. That'd never happen...*chuck*chuck*chuckle* click here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the-ghost-girl (5) (view author's auctions) 9:48pm February 24, 2002 (#139 of 148) *giggles* You're silly maX! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ozone78$ace$reporter$ (0) (view author's auctions) 10:27pm February 24, 2002 (#140 of 148) It is refreshing to know the pinks are doing their job. (smiles) They actually listened to me. I feel great with that in mind. Ace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 10:30pm February 24, 2002 (#141 of 148) -----)----------------------- -------------)-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniper_no_sniping! (0) (view author's auctions) 12:18am February 25, 2002 (#142 of 148) What IS that smell? <checking bottoms of shoes> Did somebody step in something??? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniper_no_sniping! (0) (view author's auctions) 12:19am February 25, 2002 (#143 of 148) Oh, and LMAO @ llort! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ozone78$ace$reporter$ (0) (view author's auctions) 1:06am February 25, 2002 (#144 of 148) I know I probably should not bring this up but as a result of other people posting my e-mail addy, I was contacted by a troll who was lurking here on the boards. I ended up having to block him out. The website that was posted previously regarding Ebay has been duplicated according to the message I got. The message also contained a URL but I deleted the message so I lost the URL. I was not interested to say the least. I would have let Ebay know about this but since I lost the URL, it is impossible now. This person is very driven and dangerous. That is what compelled me to mention this. I would appreciate people not posting my addy here anymore. I do not wish to be contacted by anyone I do not know. Thank you! Ace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sniper_no_sniping! (0) (view author's auctions) 1:16am February 25, 2002 (#145 of 148) Hey freak, since it's just you and me, I'm going to hand you a rope. Do whatever you want with it (hang yourself??). We ALL know who you are. Your email addy isn't and has never been posted here. Anyone at all can email you through eBay simply by clicking on your user ID. You know this, because you have done this to many of the people who frequent this board in the past. Get a hobby. I realize it can be boring if you don't have a lot of friends, but maybe if you, oh, I don't know, didn't act like such an idgit, we would have been nice to you. You see, when you have nothing better to do than act like a brat, we aren't going to let you forget it. EVER. We don't want to be friends with you. Go play somewhere else. Like the freeway. Oh, and please, please, for the love of GOD, please start taking your meds again. </feeding time> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snipe-in-shining-armor (0) (view author's auctions) 1:25am February 25, 2002 (#146 of 148) ----)----------------------- -------(-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ozone78$ace$reporter$ (0) (view author's auctions) 7:16am February 25, 2002 (#147 of 148) I did see my ozone addy posted here before but even if it had not been, someone did manage to get it somehow and send me e-mails using it. One of you, I think it was troll*buster said all the trolls accounts were from AOL and he had me down there too. He put my ozone addy on one of the boards that was pulled I believe. I do not wish to be in the catagory of a troll but you insist on doing so. I was simply alerting everyone as to what the troll is up to. I am not he/she nor do I associate with the person. I feel I have been more than helpful so I must leave it at that and move on. It is not worth sinking to your level and getting in trouble for it. Have a nice day! Ace -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- troll*buster (0) (view author's auctions) 7:28am February 25, 2002 (#148 of 148) I posted two email addys used by a known troll. I did NOT post an email addy for ozone, and couldn't, since I don't know it. I have NEVER sent a troll anything via email. However, ozone, if the shoe fits... As you can see, they are still attacking other members and gloating about it. Also, it appears as if they are mocking the "Pinks" who monitor the boards. They complain about their threads getting pulled but instead of learning from it, they make snide jokes and continue on with the attacks. They have a total disregard for the rules which Ebay has set down and they don't care what they say or do. Their disrespectful tounges lash out at everyone they believe to be a so-called "Troll" regardless if the individuals are innocent or not. They just don't care and it shows in every post. A clear case of Paranioa is believed to be the motivation and basis of the derogatory posts. Their adolescent minds amaze and repulse me. The boards are supposed to be informational and fun but it's sick individuals like this that ruin it for everyone else who is sincerely searching for information. New members go to the people they think they can count on for answers and instead get attacked for no apparent reason except sport. The attacks have become a sport to these board violators and to me that is very sad and pitiful. When will the hate end? |
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