Baron Mansfiled: "Wait.. Wait! You stand still there !"

Baron Mansfield thinks: Oh no! It will soon be morning . . . And for Alice . . I can't let go.

Till to the poison, Baron Mansfield feel dizzy. He walks slowly towards Alice's room.

Baron Mansfield : Though she didn't tease Victoria, she did nothing to help Victoria! She didn't stop them to laugh at Victoria ! Damn, I can't see clearly . . Those in front are so blur. . . ! Oh yes! This is it! This is 'Alice's Home' picture, so it must be Alice's room !

Baron Mansfield opens 'Alice's Home' door. He is ready to handle his case . . .

ALICE ! ! !

Baron Mansfield slugged his axe.
Bloods splashing . . .

Baron Mansfield : "Ha. . . ! That's great! What have to do next is sealing that young Earl'smouth . . . !"

The sun lights shine into the room . . .

Baron Mansfield: OH, it's moring . . ., he checks the dead body and he found


Baron Mansfield (breaks down): "Oh . . how could this be . . . ", he is shaking...

Off Her Head ! Off Her Head !


Oh Oh ---- You are such a noisy Queen !!

Baron Mansfield: "That's impossible ! !"


You are so fond of cuting people's head . . .



Baron Mansfield cut his head with the axe.
His body sit next to Victora's bed. . .

Cain (exchanges the two pictures on the rooms): "Isn't poison horrible, Baron Mansfield? You even couldn't recognize that the pictures on the two rooms are exchanged . . ."

Someone Exchanged the 2 pictures
- Baron Mansfield can't accept tha he killed his loved Victoria, he killed himself
Cain exchanged back the 2 pictures -

A cart is waiting.
Cain is leaving and Back to his Hargreaves House.

Alice (farewells to Cain) : "Thanks for the help . . after all those had happened. Mmmm.. will we meet again, Mr. Cain?"

Cain <he is wearing a hat - cool! But, I think his hair in front of his forehead is too long...? It's time he asked Riff to cut his hair?!>: "You still don't understand, Alice? The nightmare demon no longer has the interest in swallowing young girls' souls. I did that.. jsut for killing the time."

Cain is left, leaving Alice alone.


Inside the cart:

Riff: "Oh yes, that doctor who gave the poisoned mask to Baron -------- Young Master?"


And then.....
Somone on the other side is watching the buring house.

His long hair floats into the air, follow the direction of the winds

Before the arrival of the Police, that house explosed. Lots were killed and hurt. ... However, the doctor has run away . . .


Riff: "Young Master Cain?"
Riff finds that his master is sleeping soundly . . . .


The bloody story turns to a new page !
And yet,
it at least earns a moment of silent and peace . . .

And that's all . . . ?


~ The End ~

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