Victoria: "I can't go to sleep. I am afraid of having the nightmare. The nightmare that the March Hare beheaded me Please hold me close . . . "

Victoria hugs Cain tightly.

Cain: "So, the rumours about the Mansfields goes bankrupt is true. To strengthen your family, you sell yourself cheap. Your act is respectful. But . . . is it your father who asked you to tempt me, to capture the Earl's fortunes?"

Victoria (turns angry): "What the hell you are saying ?So, what the hell... what's the big deal of having the powder, fortunes and title... ? So what?! I knew much about you! The cursed blooded family - the Hargreaves. . . ! Wherever the places you go, bloody tragedy occurs ! "

Alice is walking in the corridor. Obviously, she couldn't go to sleep.
She hears what Victoria says .

Victoria (teasing Cain): "I heard that you have an adorable younger sister. But the truth is, she is a bastard , right? You spent much effort to bring a cheap chambermaid's bastard back to home, is it because you want to raise her as a pet?"

Cain looks angry.

Victoria (a bit scare): "I tell you what, I scare you not! I will sure have a good dream tonight! You just wait and see!"

In the corridor.

Alice: "Victoria . . . "

Victoria (angry): "That kind of man, I give it to you, Alice!"

Alice thinks: I won't forgive you .. . Victoria !

Riff: "Young Master Cain !", he reports his findings to Cain, "Just like what you thought. This is the proof. . . "

Cain (holding a piece of petal): "It's the ???? , isn't it . . . ?"

Riff (continues his report): "Here's another one. The component of the medicine coated in the mask. "

Cain studies the reports . . . .

In 'Alice's Home', Alice is angry about Victoria's saying. She is crying in bed. . .

Alice thinks: How much I hate Victoria ! Yes! We all have this feeling inside our hearts! Victoria is just like the tyrannical 'Queen of Hearts' who enjoys torturing people! Just because she herself is a noble, she looks down upon people like us . . .

How great for Victoria go to die !


- Riff reports the findings to Cain
Aliceis both angry and sad about Victoria's tyrannical acts -


Alice awakes from her anger and she suddenly remembers something: Oh my .. . How could I have this feeling . . . Why I said I wished Victoria go to die . . . I won't say this thing . . . That's strange . . . ?

Alice tries to best to think:
Oh No . . . ! It's not said by me ! It seems that I have heard of this saying somewhere? But, who said that? Why I can't remember it all? Oh yes! When I started having the beheaded nightmare, it's from the day where Laura was killed . .. . That day, we had a tea party , and then, Laura was killed on her way home . . . But, why I can't remember that ....? Please... please think that ! Try to remember it! Who said this in the tea party...? WHO?

If I were the Queen of Hearts, I will probably say ' How great for Victoria go to die!' !




A tall figure holdings an axe stands back to Alice.
It's the March Hare Man . . .

Alice (turns around and see that March Hare Man): "NO.... .NO !!" It's the Mad March Hare Man !

Suddenly , a gun shot....
The March Hare Man's mask falls on the floor...

Cain and Riff come in. Cain points the gun to the March Hare Man.

Cain: "It's just a minor hurt on my leg. I just wanted to know why you did that and so I stay in here . . . "

Alice : Master Baron Mansfield ?

Baron Mansfield (covers his face with hands): "DAMN !"

Baron Mansfield runs away.

Cain: "Riff, you take care of her!"

Riff: "Yes!" _<.. Please let Riff speaks, Ms. Kaori Yuki ^_^>

Alice (thinks): Mr. Cain ! Did you do it for me?!

Baron Mansfield runs away via a secret tunnel .
He finally comes out from his secret passage.
To his surprise, however, he saw someone is siting there and waiting for him.

Cain (siting on a chair and his hand is holding a few flowers): "You really came to here, Master Baron. I've been here waiting for you long !"

Baron Mansfield (shocked): "Why.. How did you know this . . . !"

Cain: "It's because of those yellow flower powders left on your hair . . . Those flowers in your garden are all picked out... Only those flowers are still blossoming in the garden where Eliza was found dead. My butler found a secret passage in the back of this garden. ", He continues, "After killing Eliza, you used this secret tunnel to back to the ball room, wasn't it? And, you were too busy to discover those powders left on hair?"

Cain (holds the march hare mask): "What made you put down your noble dignity to kill your daughter's friends?"

Baron Mansfield (anger): "Those damned girls worth not to be Victoria's friends! Two weeks ago, my daughter held a tea party with them. . . They quarrel for a minor thing. .

He told what happened in the tea party:
Laura: "Victoria, don't show me your Queen alike act!"

- They made use of my soon-will-go-bankrupt rumour to tease my daughter! -

Victoria: "So, you meant, I am just a poor noble's daughter now !", she pulls Laura's hair angrily, "How dare you said this to me ! LAURA !"

Alice: "Please stop, you two!"

Laura: "People like you should go to die!"

In the quarrel, Victoria cut Laura's throat by mistake!

Alice and Eliza : "AH ~~~~ !!!"

I won't Let Anyone Hurts my daughter!
- Baron Mansfield tells what happened in the tea party
Victoria cut Laura's throat by mistake -

Baron : " Victoria is my apple and I could and won't let those damned girls made fun of her . . . I can't let her be punished just because she tried to protect her family's dignity! For the honour of the Mansfields, I won't let that happen. I locked the 3 girls in a room and asked a reliable doctor for help. We hypnotized the girls. To cover the cut wound on Laura's throat, I cut her head, and asked the Doctor to give me this mask so as to make it as a murder by a sick mad man . . . "

Cain (looks at the mask): "This mask is coated with a kind of poison which smells fragrant. This smell excited people that overweight one's conscience ! "

Baron Mansfield (nearly collapsed, he supports himself on a wall): "But the Doctor said that the scene is too strong to forget. They will remember what had happened at last . .. . So, I couldn't but kill them all ! This is for Victoria . . . and is also for this family . . . !", he takes out a stick and tries to attack Cain, " And so are you . . . "

Baron Mansfield (tries to kill Cain): "Those who jeopardize me shall die ! !"

All of a sudden, Baron Mansfeld feels weak and dizzy.

Baron Mansfield (falls down): "Oh... Oh... ? My eyes... I am in a mess.... "

Cain (stands up): "Yes, just like what your loved daughter said. I have the bad habbit of collecting poisons. But, just like that poison coated on your mask, some poisons just make people paradise, they are not fatal at all.", Cain got back his walking stick and walks away, "Excuse my leaving now, Baron Mansfield. "


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