Terra Forma

In Search for the Origin of the Moon.

The Expanding Earth Page.

In the not to distant past people believed the Earth was a flat disk with the heavens rotating around it. There are still Flat Earth believers today.

The current accepted theory is that the continents drifted from a once big Pangaea to it's current positions by convection currents in the mantle.

The newer theory is the Expanding Earth theory that Sam Carey started in the 1930.

The Father of the Expanding Earth Theory from Wikipedia.

Sam Carey Sam Carey, in the 1930’s, was initially taken with and adopted Wegener’s viewpoint of mobile continent on a fixed size earth. He could not, however, reconstruct the continental (jigsaw like) pieces to fit properly together until he realized that they did fit, but only on a reduced size and circumference earth. He then researched and taught the  Expanding Earth Theory.

Although the expanding Earth hypothesis is nearly universally rejected by most geoscientists, it has been defended recently based on detailed small-earth modeling by Klaus Vogel[8] and James Maxlow[9] and by many others worldwide based on other relevant data.[

Hundreds followed in his footsteps and did further research.

Look at what NOAA found when they mapped the ocean floors ages.

images/2008_age_of_oceans_plates.pdf and the site https://maps.ngdc.noaa.gov/viewers/geophysics/



| Links to Sites

Links to Information

  1. The Flat Earth society


  2. Subduction Theory


  3. Neal Adams


  4. Peter Woodhead


  5. Stephen Hurrell And Dinosaurs.
  6. Dr. James Maxlow