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Dyeing Machineries
Jig Dyeing Machine
A Jig Dyeing machine, is an efficient dyeing technique. It is also known by the name of jigger. Jig Dyeing machine processes fabrics in open width to avoid creasing problems in fabric dyeing. The process works like this. The Jig Dyeing machine operates by transferring the fabric back and forth. This happens from roller to roller via the medium of a dyebath, that is located at the base of the machine. As soon as the second roller gets full, the direction of movement of fabric can be reversed. In Jig dyeing, the duration of the process is measured on the basis of the number of passages or ends of the fabric passing through the dye bath from roller to roller. The end in dyeing parlance is known as the passing of fabric through a dye liquor from one roller to the other one.

Jig Dyeing Machine

Types of Jig Dyeing Machines

  • Atmospheric Jigs- Atmospheric jigs operate at atmospheric temperatures and pressures. These machines are applied for natural fibers. Here the temperature limit is typically 1000. Centigrade.

  • High Temperature Jigs- A high temperature jig functions in the same way as an atmospheric jig but comes with the addition of a pressure vessel that is designed to function at 1300C. The pressure vessel also helps in having a close control of the dyeing temperature. Typically it is applied for dyeing synthetic fibers.

Jig Dyeing Machine
Jig Dyeing Machine

Latest in Jig Dyeing Machines

Latest Jig MachineThe image shows a fully computer controlled normal temperature and pressure Jig dyeing machine

  • Operates by electricity, and fully controlled by a PLC
  • Cutting edge technology in the form of speed measuring device on foot roll barrel. This helps in maintaining uniform line speed along with a reliable testing signal.
  • Comes with built in dye solution circulatory system and charging system.
  • Use of latest technologies in the form of automatic:
    • Reverse
    • Way-change
    • Length Count
    • Temperature Control

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