Topolos Restaurant June 9, 2002
The June 9th meeting of the Red Royal Hats of Windsor was held at Topolos Restaurant at Russian River Vineyards in Forestville.

Another lovely luncheon meeting.  We gathered in the parking lot, admiring each and every Red Hat and our various purple finery.  Then we posed for photos on the brick steps, while we waited for everyone to arrive.  Caught many an eye!

When we were all assembled, we SAUNTERED, as we are wont to do........into the restaurant.  We are so good at that!

We were seated in the very lovely garden section, in groups of four at each table.  The weather was perfect.

Judy, our Queen Bee, opened the meeting with the recitation of THE POEM.  This may have explained US to some of the other tables.

There was one guest, Lucille Bacon, a friend of Lady K's  She enjoyed our Redhattedness.

The marvelous, fantastic Hysterican Scrapbook was passed around for all to see.  What a job, Lady K!  You are a treasure!

The Healdsburg Parade was discussed and reported on by several of those who attended.  The group was told of the exciting and fun time that was had by all.  We also won a second place award in the "Vintage, Classic Division".  Not sure if it was for us, or the wonderful Troop Transport that was supplied by Nancy and Lee Hoskins.  It is guaranteed that there will be more parades for us in the future......Why not?

Activities coming up are.....July 14th.....a free concert in the Healdsburg Plaza, by Michael and Blue Suede.  On August 10th, a Pot-Luck/Tea at the home of Miz Tea.

It was announced that Elsa, Royal Viking, became a first-time Grandmother recently.  Years of Joy ahead for that family!

After lunch, there was a lot of good friendly laughter, and conversation.  Everyone enjoyed the food and the service.

Lots of photos were taken to be shared......And sharing is the essence of all of our meetings and get-togethers.  How nice!

Humbly submitted by your faithful scribe,
Calendar Girl,
Edie Hill

Photos at Topolos
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