Topolos Restaurant
This was such a lovely summer day at Topolos.  We ate out on the patio under the redwoods listening to the sounds of the doves and cockatiels in their aviary nearby.

We had 16 hungry Red Hatted Ladies for lunch which included our newest member, Betty Drumm.
Lucille Bacon was our guest and we enjoyed having her very much.  We all discussed how much fun we had at the parade in Healdsburg.  Royal Viking, Elsa, is so excited about the birth of her first grandchild, Gabrielle.
The setting at Topolos is so beautiful among the redwoods.  The background noise of their water fall fountain was so soothing.
Miz Tea, Dana May, has removable hat bands for her Red Hats.  This way, she can change the look of any of her hats in an instant!  We all thought this was a wonderful idea and you can bet your Red Hat that more ladies are going to be wearing removable hat bands. Thank you Miz Tea for this wonderful idea!
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