Latest Poetry                             Nathan Coppedge


The only problem is, we don't know.
Everything else can be determined.
Good things in life = good god.
Bad things = bad god.
It might not be the real god.
Then we can blame the god in the box.

Its a philosophy game to play god in the box
the unseen cause that movens the spheres
the secret answer that no living man knows
if a man has ears let him hear:
its music that issues from god-in-the-box.

Its a dilittante's game to play god in the box
he shows you some colors that move you to paint
a canvas. Brilliant they say, and all you respond
"Its art for art's sake. Talk to god-in-the-box!"

Its a novelist's game to play god in the box
you ask them why, and they reply sotto voce
"A character's game is a novelist's choice"

Its a human game, this god-in-the-box
but you ask any one and he says that he's lost.

But even that answer comes from god-in-the-box!

--April 23-24 2006

Poems 2005-2006

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