Dreams 2

� I had hopes Jessica and Tom would dream of snow and cookies, and told them so. It was the beginning of a story untold.

� woman and (her) child below screaming when I open a small box to show them something. I saw the two figures as a single molded form, neither the more responsive or having more attention (the box was my attention until the scream, and I guess their eyes somewhat, though I think they were unclear and not particularly striking). The box was dark-blue or black, the view tilted somewhat, yet I was calm, and could not fathom.

� a woman dresses me
arms are pinned and there is breathing; little intelligible
no light then a shower, hot cooler, hot water
   this is all I feel but a fear of imminent harm
   something close but it moves away

an oriental girl finds her match yet I want her

� Snakes falling from tree in a tangle
children in a ring�?

� there was one in which I could see behind my head, or rotate between them, clear, but I don�t know the details. I�m thinking blue and red, in streaks(again watery, maybe some greens and such in pastel between the stripes).

� worshipping some kind of sigil, monument, but more like a roadsign. Paying hommage, morelike. I think there was a road to the left, and bleak to the right, dark greens or gray and tinges of purple or pink on and about the sign (very unclear, I could be making all but the space up just now) Maybe 16 ft. tall and I am kneeling.

� a pan-view with happy people on the grass that are so life-like I hardly think of them as dreaming (many of the dreams, I fear, are more than lifelike, creating ambigous pockets in interpretation). I pass as though on a train, with people that seem to be shooting a movie.

Point of view in these dreams is always a kind of gray-person objective. (comfortable, flexible, fluid through zones. I cannot recall much in the way of physical activity, or noise; I think voices are more the language-sense than truly aural (when it is aural, the aural is total, and would be itself without such a conscious viewpoint)) If I am myself, I can see myself or am not entirely clipped in point of view (sensing my own appearance is the only indicator, and I think would drain attention from others...

� I imagine a lot with gardens and walls, trellises, dark, perhaps secret playmates through little arches and with metal or thunder overhead.

places like that, courtyards, dark, moon-lit, walls and few cielings. as of FPS but calm, if hurried without weapons, perception tangid or rapid, more a mystique and a sentiment to it  

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