Connor Doyle

Connor Doyle

Name: Connor Andrew Doyle
Born: December 7, 1960
Died: February, 1997
Case Manager

The easygoing, personable Professor Connor Doyle (a former Navy Commander) graduated university with degrees in psychology and geophysics. He knows the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research manual through and through, having logged hundreds of hours investigating cases. When not 'in the field', Doyle spends time playing bass guitar and singing with 'Dog and Pony', a blues band he's in with an old college buddy.

Doyle is a born leader. He often feels torn between his role as an objective scientist and his desire to help people caught up in strange and frightening events. Always the consummate leader, Doyle used to hold roundtable sessions where each of the alpha team members could discuss their findings and accept suggestions from the other members. This kind of team support effort was one of the character's best traits - he allowed each of the scientists on his team to express his or her opinion without fear of retribution - from anyone.

During his work at the OSIR he has visited the region of Bermuda Triangle several times trying to find out the answers to his questions: while in the Navy he and his team found themselves in the place where all psysical laws were useless. As a result only Doyle and his friend have survived. The rest of the team dissapeared into thin air.

The quest of answers led him to the gas plant in Arkhangelsk, Russia, to line-up of "new form of life", where the OSIR team was confronted by unforeseen danger. Trying to save his friends, being infected by extraneous organism, Connor Doyle ordered his team to leave plant, though he stayed in the building to blow it up and destroy this pest-hole... According to report Connor Doyle died but his remains were never found...

Paul Miller

Name: Paul Douglas Miller
Born: Canada

Paul Douglas Miller is a native Canadian, residing in Toronto when not on location. He's a lover of animals and the outdoors, and in his spare time, he likes to cycle and cross-country ski. He also enjoys listening to music, mostly classical and blues. A multi-talented man, he plays several instruments, including the acoustic guitar, the banjo, and the fiddle.

Paul Miller graduated from Montreal's National Theatre School in l987. Plays he has had principle roles in:  Othello, The Imaginary Invalid, Anthony & Cleopatra, The Tempest, Romeo & Juliet, Love Labour's Lost, Much Ado About Nothing, and Hamlet.

He also appeared in TV show Traders and has TV guest roles in Friday The l3th, Forever Knight, Due South, Le Femme Nikita.

TV Movies include Kissinger and Nixon, The Abduction, and Dash & Lilly.

Additional links:
Full filmography
Connor Doyle/Paul Miller Gallery
Connor Doyle Theme
Connor Doyle Audio Clips
Episode #101 "Dream House" and "UFO Encounter"
Episode #102 "Possession" and "Man Out of Time"
Episode #103 "Reptilian Revenge"
Episode #105 "The Presence"
Episode #106 "Infestation" and "Human Apportation"
Episode #107 "The Underneath"
Episode #108 "The Transient" and "Two Lost Old Men"
Episode #109 "UFO Duplication"
Episode #110 "The Hunter" and "The Healer"
Episode #111 "The Curse" and "Angel on A Plane"
Episode #112 "Anasazi Cave" and "Devil's Triangle"
Episode #113 "The Undead" and "Stalker Moon"
Episode #114 "The Forbidden North" and "Reincarnation"
Episode #115 "The Greenhouse Effect" and "The Buzz"
Episode #116 "The Light"
Episode #117 "The 13th Floor" and "The Believer"
Episode #118 "Fog" and "House on Garden Street"
Episode #119 "Second Sight" and "Chocolate Soldier"
Episode #120 "The Fire Within" and "Fate"
Episode #121 "Death at Sunset" and "Collision"
Episode #122 "Perestroika"


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