new media centers:

related projects

sendai mediatheque

The city of Sendai is the major sponsor of this arts and culture complex which will meet the needs of the citizens of our information-oriented society of the 21st century. This facility incorporates an art gallery, library, multi-media library, and information center for the visually and hearing impaired into a single unified structure, and takes up a floor space of 21,500 square meters.

zkm: karlsruhe: (german version only)

mit media lab: enable machines for learning

The MIT Media Laboratory occupies a unique position in the rapidly evolving landscape of new media and information technologies. It was founded by MIT Professor Nicholas Negroponte and the late Jerome Wiesner. As this convergence accelerated, it spurred interconnected developments in the unusual range of disciplines that the Laboratory brought together, including cognition, electronic music, graphic design, video, and holography, as well as work in computation and human-machine interfaces

ars electronica center

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