level: Ultimate
type: Marine Animal
field: Deep Savers
attribute: Vaccine
partner: Lewis

Bukamon   →   Gomamon   →   Ikkakumon   →   zudomon   →   Vikemon


A protector to his core, Zudomon has shed a lot of the problems he has in his lesser forms. He is much more serious and stoic. Amusingly, however, it takes some time for him to grow into and adjust to handling the bulk of his much larger body. But once he grows into his new body, he is a force to be reckoned with. His bond with Lewis is at its strongest point and protecting his partner is his number one priority.


vulcan's hammer: Zudomon smashes his hammer onto the ground, sending out a bolt of electricity at the enemy.
glacial spear: Concentrating ice energy in his hand, Zudomon hurls a spear at the enemy.