Welcome one and all to our Party's website, finally updated after a long hiatus.  Thanks for keeping on me and now that life has settled down a bit, there is a lot more time to work on this cool stuff!   The site is here to keep up to date on the adventures that are currently running, as well as prepare for new characters and future events
Game Times:

Thom's House:
Saturdays...4ish until god knows when.

Clifton Comics and Games:
Monday Nights 6-9:30
Our Campaigns....so many games, so little time!  Our group has officially diversified itself by adding in several games other than our current D20 campaign. Several of the games are played at my home, and some at Clifton Comics and Games.  Check them all out!  Lots of opportunity for adventure and intrigue in many different worlds.
Our Saturday Gaming Group...
At Clifton Comics and Games...
Shadowrun...  Set in a bizarre future of reborn elves and monsters combined with Matrix travelling Dragons and mechanically enhanced bodies, the players or "Runners" live outside the boundaries of the law.  The Runners live in the world of G.A. Effinger's "When Gravity Fails" universe.  A middle eastern society still coping with the reawakening of long forgotten races and the effects of technology. 
Forgotten Realms: The Campaign that started all the craziness!  These are important links to things that might well save your behind in times of trouble.
A game of modern Fantasy.  The players take on roles of magic users in today's uncaring and disbelieving world.  Can practitioners of the ancient arts really defend themselves and the world from the forces of evil and still manage a 9-5 job? 
D20 Modern...Following the casefiles of "Morning Star Detective Agency" as they are called in to investigate cases that no one else would touch!  Sort of a blend of X-Files and way too many Vertigo Comics, this setting allows for characters to do battle on the side of good.  Not a comedy setting but filled with strange dry humor, the characters are often the only ones in the know.
Terratin: The heroes of Terratin walk a fine line between life and death at every turn.  Terratin is a world beset by Vampire Kings and their minions.  After several centuries, an uneasy detante has fomred among the nations to fend off the forces of the Vampire Kings.  Now silent for almost 50 years, the Kings bide their time and prepare to strike.  Can the forces of the Free City help maintain peace in this wild land?
Star Trek:  Dreadnaught
Folow the adventures of a 23rd century peacekeeping force sent to secure the fallen "Neutral Zone" that once divided the Klingon Empire from the Federation.
Soon to be reborn at Clifton Comics and Games!
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