Native American Calling Thursday, January 30, 2003 - Spirituality Abuse: An Invisible Crime:

An excellent program on Spiritual Abuse focussing on Sexual Abuse. Unfortunately, abuse by spiritual leaders is not uncommon in Indian Country. Stories about abuse of power among self-proclaimed spiritual leaders are becoming more and more common. On of the worst abuses occurred when a man passing himself as a medicine man raped a woman who was nine months pregnant.
Guests include Arvol Looking Horse, Ray �Skip� Sandman from Duluth MN, a traditional healer for the Mille Lacs Band who grew up in the Fond Du Lac community, John Witherspoon of Charlevoix, MI, a founding member of Great Lakes Origins from the Bois Forte band of Ojibway, and Dr. Mimi Sa, a licensed clinical psychologist from the Grand Portage Rez in, MN, an advocate of culturally competent therapy.

Fake healers plague Navajo Nation by Bill Donovan Paul Natonabah/Navajo Times

Links to Sweat Lodge Deaths

Skeptic's Media Watch Report on Sweat Lodge Deaths

Culture Vultures Wall of Shame

American Indian Cultural Support (A.I.C.S.)

Bearvisions Cyber Wall of Shame

Ceremony Searson

Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality

Commentary on the Lakota Declaration of War:

Valerie Taliman

"Plastic Shamans and Astroturf Sundances" by Lisa Aldred
This article outlines the scams of twinkies like Sun Bear

Cultural Theft When Claiming One's Cultural Identity Turns into Thievery by Terri Jean

Comment on Cultural Theft by Dawson Her Many Horses

Common One Man's Guru Is Another Man's Fraud, or Worse by Sandy McIntosh

Wendy Rose's Poem: For The White Poets Who Would Be Indian

Wanting to be Indian: When Spiritual Teaching Turns Into Culltural Theft by Myke Johnson - An Excellent Article is back on the net.

Chief Arvol Looking Horse's Proclamation

The Cheyenne Declaration regarding the Protection of Sacred Ceremonies May 6, 2003

Declaration of the Northern Cheyenne by Bernard Red Cherries

New Agers and Native Wisdom by Nora Bruce

Southwest A.I.M leadership sends exploiters their third warning in a resolution from 1993 on Native-L

Long Awaited Response to 'Mitakuye Oyasin' by Chief Looking Horse

"Creating Identity at Indian Expense: Public Ignorance, Private Gain"

Cultural Appropriation: Reckless Borrowing or Appropriate Cultural Sharing Religious Education Dept, UUA

Freedom to be Responsible by Russell Means

It seems like you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Cherokee Fraud these days. This site is a good source of information on them:
Committe on Cherokee Frauds

Lakota Oyate (Disappeared)

What Do Indians Say? (Disappeared)

The New Age and Native Wisdom

Indian 101 Wannabes and New Agers

Resolution of the Fifth Annual Traditional Elders Circle

Readings on Cultural Respect

Spiritual Genocide Newsletter Sonoma County Free Press

New Age and Other Rip-Off Sites

A.I.M. Southern California

Nuage Tricksters Iktome's list of offenders also seems to have disappeared - try this one -- it disappears and then it re-appears - you need a password to view the list!

I.C.A.R.E. Indigenous Cultural Advocacy in Resources and Education Misappropriation of Native Ceremonies and Identities


Reiki Fraud Watch

Siubhan's Little Pagan Page Musings Cultural Imperialism in Witchcraft

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If you disagree with any of the statements contained within this site, please simply click off of the website. Please do not e-mail and attempt to persuade us that any individual or group listed here is not exploiting Native American ceremonies � especially if your only argument is your intuition about the individual�s good intentions. We do not have the time, patience or energy to deal with New Age apologists or pseudo-traditionalist academics. There are thousands of other sites that you can visit which will allow you to maintain your delusions.

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