Hi, I'm Don, just a little about myself. I was born in Kansas City, Mo.,
and grew up around the surrounding area. I did the normal childhood things including
Cub and Boy Scouts, wrestling in school and served time in the armed service and did
my tour of duty in south Viet Nam.
   I am a steel worker and have worked in the same place for 30 years.
   My hobbies and likes are, paint and draw, play music (drums), build and fly model
airplanes,fish,camping,taking pictures (birds,flowers,wildlife, landscapes) and preform
magic tricks, gardening, and model trains.
   I like being at the lake with my wife and enjoying what we like to do best, and that is
to be with each other and enjoy the great outdoors. We like nature so much that we created
this web page to share with others; hope you enjoy the pages of Don and Mary`s Cherokee Hill.

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copyright© 1998-2008 Don Oswald[email protected]
This page designed and copyright to Don Oswald. All graphics and animations used are public domain, as far as known.
All pictures are the property of said person. All photos processed by PhotoShop4, PhotoShop5 and Windows Imaging.
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